Panda bear greens, reminescent of Gallgher's

  • Panda bear greens, reminescent of Gallgher's watermelon shrapnel,

  • Unabridged." Chloe finished her Post-Deep Constructionalist Bronson Self-Aware Poem. Mr. Bickel, the journalism teacher just snapped, he back handed Chloe on the side of the

  • face. Chloe ran out of the room and directly to the campus police. "Stop him! He's gone mad!" The officer found Mr. Bickel sitting on the classroom floor with his hands

  • in his lap, yodeling. "Yodel - eh - he - whoo", he said. The officer immediately grabbed his

  • Yodeler & started booked him . When he gave his name as "He-whoo-yodels", the Swiss cop said, "Was that supposed to be yodeling? I'll show you how to yodel" & yodeled an avalanche

  • . It rumbled down the Alps.Because of the yodeling, a stampede of yaks came out of nowhere to hear. Yaks love a good yodel.The yaks trampled the criminal yodeler and the Swiss cop.

  • After the yaks passed, they got up and dusted themselves off"I'm not sure what just happened,"the cop said, but your still under arrest" He turned to cuff the yodeler, only he had

  • no hands. only tentacles. so the cop handcuffed the tentacles and put the yodeling man with horrible deformities in the back of his cop car. SUDDENLY,

  • EVERYTHING WAS IN ALL CAPS! THE COP YELLED at his mutant suspects to lay off the bullhorn. "Really, it is a privilege that I take you to Krispy Kreme with me at all," he griped.

  • "So hurry up before Paula Dean get's there!" But sadly, it was too late. Paula was there, and with an evil laugh, she gave all new brides the recipie to the Lady's Brunch Burger.



  1. SlimWhitman May 31 2012 @ 06:20

    LOL@Krispy Kreme

  2. Zetawilk May 31 2012 @ 15:30

    I enjoy the prospect of a cop kind enough to get his arrestees a bite to eat before carting them off to jail. The police are human too!

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