She gave him a watch-chain. "I had to sell

  • She gave him a watch-chain. "I had to sell my hair." she sighed. He passed her his present. "How ironic, here are some coupons for Great Clips. Look at the time, gotta go."

  • "The clock is ticking," she thought as he sauntered away. She had traded her luxurious tresses for more than a watch-chain. The pistol had a nice heft. How nice to brush him off.

  • He didn't have the goods to make the baby she wanted. She checked the clip & hid the Walther PPK in her brassiere. Before entering the celebrity spermbank,she pulled hose over head

  • -fish. It was a fertility ceremony where she was from. the "headfish" was a symbol of lack of sleep and annoyance, which meant of course-pregancy and baby. The spermbank Janitor

  • had sired over 1,000 children after being hired as an emergency temp 6 years ago. Unbeknownst to him, the spermbank janitor had a unique genetic mutation which was triggered by

  • Justin Bieber music (which played just about constantly since 2008) and so his genes mutated worse and worse every day. Of the spermbank janitor's many offspring, the most

  • mutated was baby Simon, who looked and sang like the Chipmunk. How he learned "Christmas Don't Be Late" before he could walk was still a mystery. Other mutations include

  • d, but no batteries, Alvin, or Theodore. $19.95 + S&H in all. For a baby Simon, it seemed like a fair deal. I placed a call. "High, question: is baby Simon compatible with the robo

  • 4000 home protection device?" The lady from the call centre at the shopping network responded in a nasal voice "Baby Simon's are very popular today please hold" I waited for what

  • seemed to be eternity. It was, in fact, eternity. So here I sit, playing FoldingStory, still waiting for the customer service rep to get back to me, muzack buzzing in my ear.



  1. PurpleProf Dec 03 2012 @ 15:45

    Still waiting...ironically, Justin Beiber muzak on right now.

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