
  • frfffffffffffff

  • t. ? Was that a fart? Big Bob sniffed a tinge of bad milk and decomposing broccoli. He looked at his neighbour LaRonda. She felt his stare. "Whatchoo lookin' at?

  • "Uh, your big round..." Big Bob gulped as LaRonda grimaced at him. "hair," he finished. "It's, um...nice." By now, Big Bob couldn't breathe. LaRonda farted again, surreptitiously &

  • unmistakably the product of some sort of pickled protein. Big Bob burst out of the office, throwing the door open into the hallway and smashing the nose of the new CEO, Ms. Balnut.

  • "Security!" Ms. Balnut screamed, her nose gushing bright red all over Mr. Kumfat, the VP of Operations. Big Bob panicked & shot down the fire escape, snagging his pants on the edge

  • of the metal platform, Floor 3. He couldn't stop. If they caught him, he'd be done for. Big Bob continued down the escape, his pants torn off. Two old women giggled, watching from

  • below. The fire escape ended at floor 2. "Look, granny, no hands!" Bob showered them with urine like a Zen master enjoying that strawberry. His pursuers still pursued. He jumped

  • , landing on all fours. "Every time," he said smirking. He smoothed back his silky black hair and strutted off. "That was piss poor judgement if you ask me," said Grandma.

  • "Well, why don't you try?" Grandma looked unamused, looking at where he just landed. It was awkward at first, but eventually he got used to the general landing spot he always

  • found: Grandpa J's back. Car doors slammed. Squad cars were blocking both ends of the alley. Det. Manatee stood silently a few feet away, leaning on his cane, just looking at him.



  1. SlimWhitman Jul 17 2014 @ 06:09

    More of Big Bob and the office mates: Big Bob visits The Spot http://foldingstory.com/e2vmn/ Big Bob rents a Great and Gloomy Space http://foldingstory.com/76uta/ Big Bob witnesses a drive-by hair-styling http://foldingstory.com/6em98/

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