Finished Folds (81—100)
1around laughing on the floor as I, Positive Polly came to save the day!
3for his habit forming world of where little green men took over his RPG pixel world of Dirty Dishes, and Landr-o-mancers.
1g up easter Eggs and little Surprises, had won him over with the crowd, in April, over St. Nick in July.
3greed and corruption, I thought loudly to my other fellow detectives in waiting. Hounds and Ghouls. For my Master lived in a caged cell with a green elephant, named Ganesha, his
1f gave Romeo and Juliet two fingers sky high, in remorse to the Television Cameras in the 16th Century Tradgey.
6By 4:04PM today, I will get my abilities back in full, and everything that is needed, to fix me. But if tomorrow never happens, then Time will stand still. People would interrupt
1Her thoughts were returned of her positive vibrations, from October 2016. As of right now, her Mother's stupid influence was there, soon to be gone. It would go away soon!
3Buddha smacked Ganesha for not saying something to Kalki first.
112:31PM, she needed Mediumship taken care of, by the Four of us. My usual methods did not work for thoughts, because she could not use telepathy, while Mediumship as active this l
4could hear the Warning, because certain words, and thoughts turned on, songs on the lady in the Blue Dress's head. Songs by Incubus, which were music to her ears. So musical that
1Though , she had asked for a sign, of how to get her friend to take care of Mediumship; her sign was received. She was going to use REVERSE PSYCOLOGY on her friend from VEGA, so
2got better, and made more sense to other people. She found green spots one day, in my friends' house, next to her standng at the bar, green elephants painted the truth with Mirror
4Often, times I didn't need verification. As of late, I did, need someone else to verify, that what I was saying is truthful knowledge, about getting rid of stuff.
3as I plowed through my corn field, a Blue Lady came by, and put her badass construction worker boot up on my tractor, and we carried on my Wayward Son, riding through the fields we
2for ariel, had used echolocation, to get a black gooked fang stuck in her third eye, because even under the Sea, there was a metaphysical reality, to hang on to.
2Rocky Raccoon, held Gideon's Bible is his hands close to him, as the camera came out of his Pineal Gland again, from clairvoyancy.
2that I loved Padma, and things weren't as bad as I thought they seemed!
4Adam, now in 2016, wore his hat over his crotch as a sign of what he had done
2Which activated a clean up, of the flooded coffee, and vibrations of different coffee lover frequencies, from inside her metaphysical appearance.
2went wild, and dropped a trail of phone cords as they started the wave!