Finished Folds (41—60)
3And all that you dream falls on me, according to fuel
4stronger than the old Planet Express crew. " I'll never let you go." she spoke
4a semi-charmed kind of life where the 90's rock rolled and ruled their speakers
1it past the breakers.
4garden." Instead he packed up his stuff with his big black boots and an old suitcase. He did believe that found himself a new place. He just wanted to see some palm trees.
3Methulusa came up with the perfect plan to climb the Tower of Babble.
2preform this way in a bubble dress.
1over and the cat was playing with a golden apple which was from Runescape, meant for Snow Whitw
2He enriched her life by saying, "Take this all of you and drink from it..." yet he has faith in God but not Jesus
4to tell at the other cushions of this great empire
4like it when others lie, cheat, and steal from the clergy. Pirate Nun had spoken to Jesus through prayer and a dove descended
3was wrong and flung his soda in Lennys' face and it made him urinate all over himself
2said, "Jeremy spoke in class today."
3ive more minutes and they would be in the daylight with the Geico woodchucks, Pinnococho, and the Raccoons
4research which made the world peaceful and vegan under Lords Kalki and Padma
1Gobbly-gook his famed art sniffing wildabeast
0told him to move his house.
1into dust like their predescors, Cosmos and Wanda.
3ly caused the world to work together
5a wonderful telepath, who had conversations with others brainwaves. To fulfill prophecies; she had a conversation with the Heavenly Father and Son.