Finished Folds (1061—1080)
6G gun. Anyway, three years later, this story remains unfinished and Kenny has vanished ever since his secret vault was raided by the food police. His sandwiches tasted dreadful!
3As it turned out, these said meerkats were killed and roasted over an open fire for Christmas stew last year. So now I do my chores. And I plant cat grass for my own tortie - she
4Anti-Trump demonstrator who attempted to knife him. "You voted for Trump, didn't you?", the young protestor asked. "Nope!", Ben Franklin replied. Ben voted for John Adams!
2Said, its been almost three years and this folding story is only in its third line? He added this fourth line over cognac and roast pork. Who will do the next line, he wondered.
2People's heads to curb lice. One of the Whole Foods vendors was interested, smelling a profit. The smell of money to them was like catnip to cats. John Mackey got wind of it too.
3Bag of organic honeycrisp apples was carefully put to avoid bruising. The Apple Rebellion ensued and Whole Foods was pitted against organic produce. The produce department rallied
3Found its way into John Mackey and Rahodeb 's mouths. Then Whole Foods sold it. After that, even PC wannabes loved it and blogged about it. Trends develop this way. Get used to it
10He dressed up as a monk and gave candy to street walkers, then changed his mind about the whole thing once the stock market collapsed and asked for his help. It was Sunday, 3 years
2Four years later, the stock market finally crashed and the Avengers were recruited to help clean up the rubble. It felt like WW2 revisited to Green Arrow. Mass suicides ensued at
1Are you going to help me finish this folding story four years after we started it or not?" Awkward Silence said, of course, and proceeded to help me fold this line.
2An actor who was playing piano on 12-12-12 with Sir Paul onstage. He played a Sub Bro in the third episode of "Thanks A Latte". Those annoying trendy slogans again! When the cat
3Had a headache and looked for Advil. She carried her own luckily. And told no one. One mouse was missing in action and the cat dutifully hunted it down. It was in the larder.
2A sewer hole where Mr. Smith had an electric rodder. I was saved! Mr. Smith got a reward from me and I was given a permenent home in his flat. This was no ordinary plumber.
5Who had eaten too much turkey last Thanksgiving. I requested fresh turkey and got a live turkey. Where to put it? I put it in the shower until I could kill it for food. "Roadkill?"
2To give his then new house something from the 20th century. Four years later, the painting was stolen and replaced by Louis XIV showing off his beautiful legs. Ian Stewart placed
2Knocking at the door, carrying its own vodka. Death served it in jiggers to everyone, then left the bottle in the pantry. Alice's mum asked her daughter where this vodka came from.
2Out of bed, naked and screaming. Her mum called Dr. Yoshenko, her shrink, for advice. He recommended Monty Python reruns for therapy and she howled like a wolf at the moon. No one
3£600." Harold Pinter's last performance was "Krapp's Last Tape" so I won some money.
2Was in his gated community, but the super-storm could still get in. Old Daddy Bush was in his wheelchair, being pushed around. He was tired and grumpy all day. G W was concerned.
6And see how it feels." She was stunned and shrieked. The little bug laughed in her face. Talk about a virtual F-U moment. She dropped dead and Det. Manatee was called. He arrived