Finished Folds (1—20)
4Ocha was a guinea pig, unknowingly, for the oligarchy. King. Leopold V wanted to deal with excess human population by being known as a scientific genius. His history included some
4Colonet Sanders gladly complied. The academics loved the chicken, not knowing the chefs used emu oil. Emu oil was similar to olive oil, he explained to the congregation.
10That nobody dare to criticise/ The way the Raven flies/ And protects us from evil spirits/ Just as the silent majority won't hear it
3Used to save thousands on utility bills stayed. One day, it thanked us for our loyalty and we were stunned that it could speak Queen's English. It learned from us! How cool is that
2Tom was unusually hard to apply. Tom Foolery was his name and he had a reputation for being a prankster. Mrs. Foolery was accustomed to it and often apologised.
2P and Bananachek was unusually tired of having his glasses hidden. The contract was about to explode when the bus arrived.
3With the real price, but she became a night sparrow, never seen or heard from again. Mr. Plum was furious when he found out, but she was now officially a free bird. She flew to the
3He did the impossible and flew out the window. He was never seen or heard from again. Dr. Agjxvbjm was called as to how he could morph into a night sparrow. Nobody knew! The
9He is merely providing food for us during this economic collapse." The sea monkeys agreed and ate lunch which consisted of venison stew. All agreed it tasted just right. Meanwhile,
4McDonald's and passed out in the kitchen. They hired her on the spot and two years later promoted her to general manager of her very own McDonald's franchise. She was called
4The silence was deafening. She realised she needed to fix it herself. Four years later, she too was electrocuted. The ENTS visited the ruins of her mansion and rebuilt it from zero
6Judge Judy was called in and used the gavel. "Wake up!", she said. The jurors were jolted awake and then, three years later, were infamously referred to as "The Sugar Hill Gang".
1Eggs Benedict volunteered for a mission to Mars. A jury of green men were in charge of selecting the participants, because there was always the chance they may never return.
1And tomato sauce " The pepperoni began flying all over the room and laughing at God knows what. The basil tppk three years to grow big enough to fall on unsuspecting passersby.
1Ophelia entered the room and said , "Let me cut it out!". Bibi carved a giant heart in the sausage. Corina pulled out a lark and said, "I will slice it out!" She did just that.
2To clean up the mess. Somerset waited three years to fold the next line. His dog, Rex, was a Great Dane/Black Lab mix. Rex used a Doggie Mac and produced some incredibly clever
2Had a cat help him. The cat used a Kitty Mac and it was one amazing machine. The park caretaker found the cryptocurrency and kept it until almost three years later. That was when
3Plate on the floor, shattering it into 3,836,014 shards. The tables all started to rumble, so I was forgiven. All told, there were 47,757,055 shards to clean up. We left and went
3Etti was present for the ceremony. Etti had arrived in Italy and owned a restaurant. The customers included King Butters.
2Restaurant called "Mushrooms" suddenly sprung to life. There was a former polish restaurant nearby and he immediately applied for a permit. It was approved quickly.