Finished Folds (1—20)
7dismount the Retrograde Assembly Grid - Tertiary Influx Motorized Engine, or R.A.G.T.I.M.E. Next, he'd have to swap out and install Mr. Robot's new D.U.N.K.E.R, or
6return. Suddenly, Agent Michael Scarn lept into view. "You can close that beak, Ladyhawk. I'm bringing you in", Michael Scarn shouted. Ladyhawk's identity theft days were over.
3I mean, Trump officiated a wedding between an AR-15 and a Neopet. People attended that. There was even catering! Wolfman Jack and Gia could only shake their heads at such a thing.
3jersey leotard to cover the Anti-Bowie, which was his prized Bowie package, that bounced everywhere. His diamond testicles glistened in the brightness of the moon. He looked up and
4forgot what he was doing. The years of lead exposure had addled Mr. Noblet's brain quite effectively. It appeared that...wait...I said this once before. The recursion serum! I've
5er of crab rangoons. The native Inuit family, horrified, called the police and I was apprehended shortly thererafter. Locked away in the icy prison of Calcatraz, this is how I die.
3bionic arms. "They belong in a museum!" she declared, with her vibro-whip in one hand and the prized shoes in the other. It begins to rain, and Amanda's arms short out and explode.
4"Only $0.17 more and I'll have enough money for some ChocoFlan!" said asthmatic Ricky Two-Buns just seconds before a planet from the Bermuda 8 system collided into his bedroom.
2Sadly, Dunderoo the Electric Bank Teller could do neither, as he produced neither moisture nor ear wax. "Damn this life devoid of excrement!" he shouted as he processed deposits.
4Twins Riggo and Pumperniggo found out the hard way that they did not, in fact, want to be on either end of a hot air balloon falling 100 mph to earth as a car hung from the basket.
2For sixteen year old Derdie Haberdasher, he was both, by choice and by profession. Derdie's job requires him to walk the cubicle halls completely nude, and by choice, he farts.
2the closet doors, the fear almost unbearable. Before she could discern what was before her, Agent Michael Scarn leaped at her, wielding a wok and SuperSaver coupons. "Freeze!"
4of joy ran down Jimminy Fastersnatch's bionic cheek. The moisture stung his electric cheek a little, but it was welcome pain. To see his aviary lover win such an illustrious award
5With a cat-like swiftness, she inserted her entire fist into his throat and unfurled her fingers. His muffled cries sounded something like "Afwagguh ehbd guh nehhgg cwach", but she
4angry sun salutations and violent downward dogs. A 3rd adversary, Lulu Backgammon, appeared. "Let's end this", she said, donning a motorbike helmet. In a few short thrusts, Harlem
4Something wasn't right here, no sage would drink a common-folk brew like PBR. I was on alert, as this oracle could be an impostor. I couldn't let him know I was suspicious, though.
4with satisfaction. "Our plan is working as planned!" exclaimed the villainous Busta Move. Busta and Fizzuzzu the Dybbuk shared a laugh, interrupted by Agent Michael Scarn's bazooka
3could easily complete such a trial as competitive facial hair growing. Suddenly, I hear the hammer of a gun click behind me. It was Agent Michael Scarn. "Miss me?" he said.
5Slick Willy loading the half-empty clip into his Beretta. He had to do this. Didn't want to, but had to, otherwise the garbage men would keep taking his home from him. He walked to
4"That won't be an issue" said the dentist. The voice seemed so familiar, but before I realized I was in danger, Michael Scarn took off the mask and plunged the tiny mirror into my