Finished Folds (41—60)
3out my turgid member and inserted the bead. Sure, they were meant to be "put further down Gooch St", but life gets boring when you live by social norms. My urethra, now olive-like
1to use your gooch as a means to open a cold one was widely respected amongst the Houtou tribe of Norfolk, VA. With a proud chieftain standing next to him, he shoved the bottle in
4If he couldn't come up with a hundred Oreos, Slick Willy would make Catshit Mufasa pay with his blood. With nowhere else to turn, he called the only man for the job, Michael Scarn.
2,who's head was encased in a cube of airplane glue, knew not of the surging torrent of Greek fire heading his way. Not even the salesman's massive cube of a head could endure such
2cascading down a row of erotic grandmothers who knew only how to get down in the brown. Playing Keno with the Boys & Girls Club kids will have to do for now. One particular child
2Bruce Hammersnatch always played by the rules. Always. Today would be no different.
2have but to comply? Then again, who'd have thought that out off anyone who wanted to rescue him, the one who smashes the door down with an HDTV is none other than Michael Scarn?
6proceeded to make verbal jabs at how small of a thread count his mother's bed must have. Enraged, our hero takes a splinter of concrete on the road and pops the bike tires.
3he doused himself in the richest of lagers, Der Unfuger Von Spriegl, and stood on a tree stump. The French cannibals getting closer, Geoff snarled like a spotted house cat, warding
2reached for his rosary hanging from his sweating neck. As the two stared at one another, a flurry of bullets suddenly streamed through the air, it was Agent Michael Scarn.
2A man wearing what could only be described as "conceptual clothing" walked into the room unannounced, saying "It most certainly could be that man you saw, and don't call me Shirley
1Ignorant was the puny man who tried besting King Leonidas with nothing but red pepper flakes. He was soon overtaken by the Spartan king, and by the power of Grayskull, Leonidas hit
2, he had struck a concrete wall. He awoke in bed in a shouting fit, then suddenly realizing it was all a dream. "Everything alright?" asked his lover Bucky. "Yes", he replied. End.
3"Hammer, if I don't begin and end every sentence with the word hammer, the device attached to my heart will explode hammer" said Bobby Skids, telemarketer. With a deep breath, he
2octopus self, always excited for my arrival. Tears streaming down my face, I whispered "I love you, Flogoria", and pulled the trigger. When the smoke cleared, all that remained
5with bittersweet finality. Sharpie in hand, he drew a moustache and eyes above his member, totally nude. This would be a puppet show his son's fifth grade class would not forget
7Nobody would get the obvious socioeconomic implications of such a contemporary albeit macabre art exhibit. I needed to shave my head and change my name to Walter Fickdiggery of
1So why did you do it, huh? Why did you risk countless lives just to get revenge on the man that held the door for your wife and kids at the mall while you were working? Ashamed,
6She had the most stunning grey Merona cardigan, undoubtedly purchased during the recent sale at Belk. This was an issue because the detective was at the same Belk, ordering the hit
1No measure of anabolic salvation could pull me from this nightmare, or so I thought. I reached into my left pocket, noticing something was now in there. It was the Dagger of Great