Finished Folds (3841—3860)
1Which was the immense bed upon which Madonna and Jean Pierre were nestled haphazardly across while Karen gathered her wits on the floor at the foot of the bed. The dragon landed &
2where Karen still on the floor but in mid-realization, turned to look at him wondering how he fit into the scheme that somebody was had concocted against her. Covering her crotch
3It was at that moment through the fog of the opium that Karen suddenly suspected that their encounter the night before had not been so much by chance but by calculated design.
2thought until it did not work out that way. It appears that a prank is not about fairness. So I was not deemed the Fairest of them all and the Queen only saw herself in the mirror
1but herself did not like that, no Siree Bob, didn't like that one bit. So herself smacked she right in their own mouth and knocked out a couple of teeth too. She had not expected
7[Translator's Note: Battish is a difficult language to depict in print because of the varied depthness indicated by how the primary utterance plays off echoing phrasings.]
2growth. There a guy who wasn't Indian refused to go drinking with me. I accused him of having faux stereotypical anguish by proxy. That didn't faze him a bit, he even smiled as if
1To sum up: Pete's wife had secretly divorced him, keeping custody of the kids, and then eloped with a traveling roofer but leaving the kids with her brother who was't an Indian but
4It went on for years with the Chicken ultimately winning. Not because of any martial skill by the Chicken but because salmonella. Santa succumbed to it and it corroded the dalek's
3an after coitus mint but took the whole box. When she finished the mints she showered got dressed & headed off to her job as a sound engineer for Yes, who were back in the studio.
4wise owl in the forest to ask for advice. She found him atop a pile of Tootsie Pop "sticks" in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV. He was on the verge of a diabetic coma so she had
1The trick was to work in those killer lines so that their lethality went unnoticed so that any investigation would not lead back to the author. Here on FOLDINGSTORY it was a bit
6friction composition shoes", he blurted out. He always did that when he got nervous about where his libido was taking him. He would blurt out random railroad related factoids.
3But the days of juggling 2 love affairs were long behind him now. Besides he and the psychiatrist had not parted on the best of terms. Each claimed it wasn't the other but them but
2When I had opened my door I had not expected to hear such gibberish from the porta-potty delivery guy. I had chosen the Johnny-On-Spot company because they were the only one that
1has seen me through many action filled trials and tribulations. As it written in the 1st Gospel of John McClane: "Verily, I will rain down upon your car of patrol one evildoer, so
3pubes gave lie to my idea of where her voice came from. I had discovered the fabled Vox Vaginalia, commonly known as The Speaking Box or sometimes simply The Snapper. Not being one
4I had loosened my brain too much and it had sunk all the way down in my cranium causing all the dural fluid to sit atop it sloshing around with each movement causing me to teeter &
0Which he did.
3He quickly bagged the glimpse up and listed it on eBay. Sadly, he was not alone. There were multiple listings for glimpses of her face but he had the only one from this spectacle.