Finished Folds (1—9)
0be to buy the biggest house i could find. buy the fastest car to be had. and buy natures greatest gift, sweat tender lovin. to get the cash i have to
1until December 21st when the world as we know it comes to an end. who will stay and whoi will go. if the world doesnt end then
2waterboy where he furiously watered the cups of real men. though hjs arms were weak his will was strong. yet one day in the locker room he
0it landed at nyan planet light years away where the trolls sit on their computer constantly trolling with nyan cats. but then
0would save me from this slow painful death. like Jesus. he could
2left in a hurry and rushed to the nearest walmart only to find that the Pokemon cards i wanted were sold out. now im going to have to
2snort a small line of coke off a dead hookers body. that would have helped with
2he pulled out a small breif case that was ticking which led me to believe he
0freshman friday when i would be thrown into a trashcan and