Finished Folds (101—120)
5laughing? I wasn't. I was dead. We all were. Even the coach. We stood in heaven, speechless. The coach broke the silence, "Alright ladies! Try again! The right way this time!"
4on his private island, creating milk duds from his nipples. Well, some say that's what he did. Personally, I think he was using his armpit hair to develop a new kind of
5I mean I knew cars could talk. I owned one. But helicopters? That was just weird. Then I remembered my next door neighbor used smoke signals instead of email to talk to
6from my drugged stupor. "Dude! I gave you one simple instruction! Do not let the magic parakeet pee fire on our worldly possessions!" Lana had a point. But magic parakeet's were
1scrotum. While painful and unexpected he was happy with the result. After finishing off the remaining booze, Ol' Jack grabbed the keys to his Harley, and headed for
4and told awful jokes. They were accepted immediately. You see, one thing they never tell you about the Mars One mission is that it's not just about going to Mars. It's also
5rig the ceiling to drop hundreds of fierce Least Weasels and banana peels at the push of a button. As my opponent landed and took aim, I readied my camcorder and pressed the button
3a 50 square mile aquifer. Piece of utter disaster? More like piece of cake. Johnny was going to handle communications, while Dan would disable Betty White's vehicle. The plan was
0Once authorities arrived the ninjas were long gone, but they didn't leave without a trace, namely DNA from an unfinished piece of banana bread.
3tuating every word with a head bob. "Well why is it null? We obviously need to reimport the table using UTF-16." "Right! And break our pipeline," huffed the lead dev. An intern
2dating this vegan hooker named Sharlot, they go to this restaurant when suddenly a pack of ninjas blow a hole through the ceiling and steal everyone's diamonds. The detective then
6and asked, "How to cure Snow White from coma." They had to repeat it several times since the Magic Mirror had crummy voice recognition technology. It started giving possible result
4with homeless Wasp People. It was something they did. Together. That's why their insecta marriage was so strong. Spider-Woman ate joyfully, looking at Spider-Man, when suddenly
6would become ace fighter pilots. And God knows nobody wanted that to happen. At high noon I decided I would have to confront them, personally. There was only one way out of this
2Trapped in the kaboomless void, the monkey didn't know who, what, when, why, or how he was. All he knew was that there were no bananas. Maybe he could escape if
4s unencumbered by time itself, just bursting into and out of existence. A scene of ass here. A scene of ass there. But junkies don't care about science. They just want their fix.
5the 80s when Aerosmith was at their greatest. In any case, his medical degree was a cover up for his time travel projects. Unfortunately, he was a bad liar and couldn't explain
4bathroom where he opened the toilet lid. "Get in," he said. "You want me to what," I asked, amazed. He madly threw his hat on the ground and pointed, "Deaf deaf deaf! Get in!"
3ds just threw me off. And so did the hat. And so did the shoes. I stared at him intently for a good five minutes in silence before I just got weirded out and left.
3just working out? And what was the secret of dat ass? Vivica Fox hung up the phone. SETI was onto them and it was only a matter of time before they'd have to run again. Beyonce