Finished Folds (61—80)
3really might have but it didn't prevent her from having her throat ripped out by a parrot's possessed wing. That woman wouldn't be getting any older now. Entropy is a joy to watch.
7pasties asilde like the orange rinds dipped in pudding that they were. Dr. Phil dropped his fig leaf of a doilly, displaying his tumescence to the viewers. I got a big settlement.
3I was wrong. I don't love the new outfit even though it is both nice & modern. The free candy I file under a Nice touch. Don't touch me so hard, mister, especially not with the bat
1pooped out an acorn that rapidly established roots inside the chamber pot and within 10 minutes a sapling was already rising up through the hanging ceiling. The chamber pot was now
3whole house of cads. I can bring them all down to size but I need your help. We can't size them away. That is inhumane and crosses so many bridges. So many. We need a standard for
6was built that it became interesting. Now he was Interested. Sadly, by this time, he no longer knew what had been interesting about it to catch his attention. But he had so much in
7which was great for the doctor. If you get a chance to transcend, transcend! However, that left the patient to explain the doctor's disappearance. He was convicted of cannibalism.
2Emilio Estevez, reprising his role from The Breakfast Club. He plays a down & out high school coach in a town where dancing & premarital sex are encouraged. The Ducks of the Depths
7"Obviously on meds that make him think he survived some teddy bear mayhem", observed my invisible sister that I had not known was reading over my shoulder. I smell tacos. "You do?"
7When Jimmy realized that is what she was doing he smacked her hands away, threw out his tail feathers, and stuck him bum out. The press understood he was sticking his bum out at th
2. The asshole belched his fart like breath at me, surprised that I was going that Far Out but nodded that, "yes, the further you go Out the further you need to go Far In. Epiphany.
4th Brunhilde, or some Valkyrie looking for her warrior one lover at a time. Instead, I fell into an MC Escher and only escaped by looking inside as the way out. I emerged in a Gard
5the perils of hubris & having a Bruce as a hero. Every Bruce ever, has let someone down at least once. It isn't enough to get the people out of the water, Bruce, means to eat them.
6The pickup had a maple wood siding. It was one of those cars and trucks that were called Woodies. He liked saying maple but it always came out as Mabel. So name & truck got stuck.
4The cashier looked at the nice crazy customer & directed his attention back at the box of antacid where it showed how to go about getting his refund & it didn't include her in it.
3Once her tweet was out of the the way she returned her attention to this guy in her bedroom who claims to be her Guard Angel, Guardian Angel, whatever. "Are you gonna stop me from
5ng he could be next. Inside the First Wife, Vice Big Brother found out Big Brother was Big Business. Now, as Acting Big Brother he had to know what Big Brothering was about. If i
7Today is the past of tomorrow. Lets make it a good past for the future. Vote for Plastic for a Shiny Malleable Nation. Vote with your BeastChip when you're thinking about nothing.
3In my anger, I had my hair bite him multiple times. That got messy & bloody. So I decided after that to use the other Gorgon trait I had and turn my enemies into stone instead.
4who'd pity our bodyless state. The worst is when they would offer to "mount" our heads on mannequins they had already bought. Even without a body my trigger finger was itching.