Finished Folds (41—60)
4of TRUTH out of the corpse. Believe in yourself. Listen, then act. Cherish riendships. Glancing about, Piglet quietly stuffed that last one back in, before strolling away happily.
6didn't seem mollified until I pointed out that dropped food gets FIVE whole seconds aftering hitting the floor before it is considered bad, so his brain on the floor for three was
2Sure, I like writing. But what I really enjoy is SQRITING. Have you tried it? It's cheap, easy and clinically proven to
1"Don't talk about mom that way. We won't get any presents this year!" Martha's reply was to stow dear old mom in the back seat of the nearest Lambo and hop in the driver's seat. "G
5surprisingly began sparkling a soft rainbow pattern. Everyone was speechless for a few moments, purposely avoiding looking at her. Someone coughed akwardly. The silence was hell.
0gazed merclissly at the screen. "Oh yes Wayne Brady, your soul WILL be mine..." The maniacal clucking was almost more than he could, ahem, bare, so before the flames flew he
2to bring President Obama in. "Thanks again Barack" I continued, waving him ahead into the open door. "SURPRISE!" yelled all the guests. Alright, the B-day party was finally ON!
4want me to be happy. Sometimes parenting was hard, and my family's dynamics probably made Ma and Pa's jobs extra tough. So I chose to forgive everything, marry the cow, and be ok.
2were his toes, meaning he'd only ever counted as high as ten. Filling the container with H20 for only ten secs meant that my bro's block of ice was kind of small, and hit me kind
1the Tennis Con, a burly man in an orange jumper who'd been one of those ball chasers at Wimbledon until one day he'd snapped and taken out Serena with a well placed ball. Death wa
2together in my head and come up with the answer. "Twelve!" I hollered in triumph. The clerk still seemed mad. Juggling numbers had failed. I took the 12 items and tried
8moment or two, then snapped wide awake. I'd been sleepwalking again! Quickly zipping my fly againt the cool night air I turned around and headed home, wondering what I'd done...
1, the tale of US-Canada relations since 1867. This episode was the first one to share secret government files, and promised to shed light on how diapers and monkeys exploding
3"This has got to be the scariest horror movie EVER!" My left cheek whispers to my right one, its voice barely audible over the tense soundtrack of 'Nightmare on Slapstreet 3'.
2Hmm. Blueberry beer. I wonder if anybody's thought of that already? Taking a long swig, I ponder this important question through the rest of the day. Then I go home and sleep.
4"You've got in spinch stuck in your teeth." The way she hurled the salad bowl at me makes me think my first idea might have been a better choice afterall. Gingerly I scrap chives
2the well worn expression "No pian, no gain" filtered through his mind. The moment he thought it he was no longer able to hear the crackle of the flames on his tin. Now without hear
3Huh, maybe there should be a portal in this story." Taking out the quill that he always used to edit his work, the author causally dipped its point into his brother's fluidic soul
4ed a lot less than mine. It sure sucked being the only guy in the suburbs to be trying to cure hiccups by holding my breath, just as the cure became airborn. Just perfect.
3trip around the Monopoly board hadn't gone well at all, some would say. But for me, it was all part of the plan...