Finished Folds (21—40)
7not helping her fully appreciate her Honda; you need two good ankles for optimal brake pumping. Fran felt like a blind woman hogging Picasso art. She drove back to the dealership
3Sexual confusion! I'm beginning to suspect that sex for me is a paper people chain in that I always have orgies with people exactly like me. Or is it a Möbius strip, infinite and
6"If life's short, that's all the more reason not to waste it stripping in public," she told me. She paused, then continued, "Even so, your tanning stencil of a longsword is cool
7A chicken crosses the road. Everyone is going from Point A to Point B like contentment is out of style. The man finished his drink and took a cab. The chicken clucked in terror as
6, put them on. With Dan now in pants, the awkwardness subsided, and the house party resumed. Bianca ruined it by coming over and declaring a Pants Off Dance Off. A teaching moment
6-ed off the lights. "Try to kill me now, robber. Ahaha!" I tiptoed down the stairs and to the kitchen, where I pulled a knife from the drawer. Now THIS was living. The robber shot
5into skeletons as well. I believe this was what people in the music industry call "hella metal." The band accepted their payment of Popov vodka. Tom and I, now skeletons, scared
1And movers really know how to scuff furniture on a wall. At some point, my Shaker clock fell out of their van and onto the road. i couldn't track my wasted time without my Shaker
6Her hamartia was falling for enunciation pervs like me. To us, all talk is dirty talk. "Hey, babe," I said, "how about you read me this phone book? Start at Amy Aaaberg and stop at
4The Land of Dairy Queen was run by minimum-wage teens who were to cool to do a bang-up job. The tall cones were crooked, as if the ice cream was trying to dodge oncoming tongues.
3lend his developing ears to - math instruction. The See 'N Say pointed to the picture of a pig. "The pig says, 'Long division divides a multifigure divisor. OINK!'" Jeremy giggled
6in line. The chick hopped into her Kleptomatic 3000, and she and the Kelvomatic 3000 bank teller did battle. She deflected a safe out the window that crushed potted-up Kevin and
7Easy with the red cards, Slim. Now we're down to nine folders to do play-by-play. Hmm, maybe we can dress that streaker up in a broadcaster's suit. You there, have a name? "Chaz."
3No. My every experience has been an inimitable snowflake too dull to inspire comparisons to the present moment. Speaking of dull, your line of questioning
4get to love again. I too have had my heart broken on many a morn. Trust me, I empathize." She stepped back and quipped, "Oh, Mr. Grizzly, it seems our connection is breaking up."
8dance coming on, and he went with it. "Weapon of Choice" blared, and he knew then that he was born to feel with his legs. He expressed how he felt about the singing camp by running
6vice versa. You may think that's the drugs talking, but would drugs talk with slurred speech? Of course not. They're meticulously concocted in backyard sheds to be slurry-free.
4I had to capture the monotonous, stuck-in-a-rut nature of reality deep within my dreamception. One night, I dreamt I was running in a hamster wheel. Perfect! This feeling, it was
4"The Rain Song" was Led Zeppelin's rock & roll rain dance. They played it in drought-affected regions. I let Robert Plant, dripping wet, in. "Hey hey," he said. "May I sex you up