Finished Folds (101—120)
4struck me, like an obelisk from on high. "Don't mind me, The Presence, I'm looking by the Yeshivat for loot," I said. The Presence increased Its brightness, helping me find a dime.
6offered me hers. Knowing that Myrtle cared rejiggered my priorities; I let the guy off with a loogie to the shoe. "Remember the three-strike law," she joked when I bowled a turkey.
3evil wrestler called The Law Firm. The boy dodged the onslaught of office chairs and balled-up grievances as he fled the club. The Law Firm tore off his 3 piece suit; a theme song
350% of it after the divorce. Lao Tzu was big on embracing change." Drusilla wasn't addicted to marriage; she could quit anytime she wanted. Dominika asked, "Would Confucius's pearl
2-rer of mouths. "But is it everlasting?" asked Wonka, who disappeared in a cloud of Pixy Stix powder. No, Wonka. My chewing gum combos are ephemeral, like dreams or a diet. Sugary
3Earl was still a cologne model at heart. He threw his head back while maintaining a slow and sultry exhale. "I'm just bringing the cow some meds," I said. Earl loosened his grip on
3and cookies. Once she restrained her grandchildren, she gave them a lecture on the Stoics. "They started with Zeno, who didn't fall asleep on grandma!" The kids awoke, morally and
5coccyx, the dental-floss rope snapped and I fell to my peril. "Help, I'm drowning in quirksand!" I said with my Kellogg's vocoder. My friend threw me a snorkel... party. Ha!
6"A megalodon isn't a massive Cenozoic shark so much as it is an idea - nay, a beacon of light, a beacon of light with 7-inch teeth." The museum guide was wearing on Kira. She snuck
4nine months to Babytown, population: You, Me Jr., and my child support checks. I spend much of my time on bodybuilding forums, where I say "spread my seed" with impunity. My mood
11I'm that guy, the one who talks at the movie theatre. Shushes sustain me. Bad dialogue gives me purpose. During "Spider-Man," I added a well-placed "yeah right" to the part when
6intervene. "Mortal squirrel, you give your life to fashion, yet you wear a fedora," said Dennis the Ghost of Fashion Past. He showed her the 1910's, when fedoras were spittoons and
4It was the kind of speech that awakens passion you didn't know you had, that makes you say, "The front lines? No biggie." I filled my quiver and charged, one klutzy archer against
5Symbolism. The fellow from Ireland in the turkey costume just.. Hey! That has no merit at all! The Eurovision Song Contest blacked out for integrity's sake as organizers scrambled
5to the dark side. Mom tried to reel me back in to morality with bribes for later bedtimes, but I thrashed about and made a mess of my room. Right, the snot bubble. It popped
7Ushers removed the signaling devices from the spectators' mouths. Regis said, "The audience just buzzed in with d) A." Out of lifelines and stuck on the first question, I trusted
3car keys - get in the trunk, you're a keeper 2) He lies under the monkey bars to peek up your skirt - aww 3) He does the kill signal at his hitman - your boyfriend better watch out
7it was actually diet and exercise that did the trick, but that's splitting hairs. Mom bedazzled my jogging shorts as I slept, humming all the while. Humming, like it's okay to just
4at the Trench to propel the sub upward. They reached the surface (with corpses to spare!), and the sub washed ashore on the Mariana Islands. They built a fire (with spare corpses!)
3time travel blows lots of wind in your eyes if you crack open a DeLorean's window. He swapped stories and eye drops with Edwin's grandpa: "In the past, we had kings and presidents