Finished Folds (341—360)
3I reached out in vain, fingertips straining forward, but with a rush of water it was swept away into the drain. "No!" I shrieked, a raw sound which tore up my throat. My knees were
5The warm, soapy water had disintegrated the essential forms, like I'd washed a tissue in my pocket. White fibres were scattered throughout the load of laundry. Well, my ex-wife was
2but at a price: the mere sight of Tabitha was enough to strike fear into the heart of any adult who recognised her. She became used to the sudden screams from passing horror fans.
5his huge claws clacking. Godzy deflected the first swipe, but Lobsterman followed through and clamped his claw around Godzy's neck like a vice. Godzy's windpipe was soon crushed.
4The question reverberated in my mind, echoing like a voice between canyon walls. Would I have done it? I spent hours looking into the deepest parts of my soul but found no answer.
2But what could he fake? Sterling went to his favourite place to think: a grassy clifftop overlooking the ocean. He perched on the rock ledge and dangled his legs over the edge.
5Imagine: a faint buzzing, coming from the greasy, marijuana-scented facial hair. Next, a flashing green light. The beard hair parts and the UFO whizzes out, firing lazers at you.
4His friends started to complain when he couldn't pop the eye back into it socket and they had to help him search for it. Once, his eye rolled under the cabinet and he had to rinse
1The other towns nearby held events for nice dancing, but we could only perform our town favourite: mean dance. They stopped inviting us after Mr. Thomas got a little over-enthused
3Arnold watched the figures of his bank account rise in the same way a teenage boy watches dirty music videos: technically okay, but with more pleasure than is socially acceptable.
3too inebriated to find a toilet. Yellow piss splashed down the wall of the chapel. I shook the last droplets out and zipped my fly as I heard someone behind me clear their throat.
3his sitar and flooded across the makeshift stage until the entire area was a sea of crawling, squirming blue bodies. Ravi looked down upon them with a warm paternal smile.
5The Barbies screeched and scattered away from He-Man's mighty battle prowess. All but one. Veteran Soldier Barbie tightened the laces of her combat boots and lifted her gun to her
5to send the smell of wet wool throughout the entire cabin. Joanna wrinkled her nose and lifted Grandma over to the couch, away from the heater. The smell lessened, but the dampness
3tter than to invite plants to share a bath with me. Within ten minutes they'd soaked all the rose-scented water from the tub, leaving me cold and naked on the wet porcelain.
4to spill. Mr. Oscar pored over the screenplay on his desk, highlighting the best scenes and crossing out others. Everyone loves an alien shoot-'em-up movie: it's guaranteed profit.
2s habit of letting absolutely foul farts rip while he slept. Though she was deaf, the sewer-like reek of the gas was enough to jolt her awake nightly. Thus the separate bedrooms.
1businessmen, who lurk just outside the university grounds and pounce on unsuspecting Engineering students as they leave. "I'd like to invest in your invention!" they cried, waving
2generations of sprouts which would follow them. The plants consulted with each other and unanimously decided to crown Otto as their king. Transitioning to a monarchical system of
3"I don't know," I responded with a snarky tone. "I kept all of my spontaneity in my right pinky finger, which you have just forcefully removed from my hand." The piano chuckled.