Finished Folds (441—460)
3tots tumbled into the foyer all at once. "Ah there they are now! Hello my little chiclets. We have a visitor." Mrs. Cumbersnatch offered me some breakfast tea and introduced me to
5" however my feet were bare and filthy. My boots were long gone, lost in the murky depths. I used a tree branch to pull the muddy wallet out of the quicksand. My photo id
2thru my fingers. It was like touching a live wire. Once I dropped the final piece in place the magical mirror glowed brightly. A deep baritone voice from within it sang,
3in a marketplace tank. It's tortuous and tedious. I sit still as possible thinking about how I got into this mess. A man with a net walks by whistling. I press myself into a corner
4ty. One of my captors had a lapse of concentration and left the lid open. Only minutes ago, they'd plied me with the most scrumptious little mouse, but I
6The horned salesman could see the monster was intrigued. "Are you tired of intrusions of your personal space? Look no further!" The monster looked at the devilish design and
4at the sight of the full moon. It was a visual nightmare with horns and paws everywhere. Only the cow's transformation wasn't complete. It's hide was still black and white
4ven, hollowed out as thy brain --" "Prayin' won't help you now," Grandpa cut in. "You should've listened to your Elders." Maybe so. The brilliant ball of light hurled toward us
5Sorry to disappoint you but ever since Garth was struck by lightning while riding his four-wheeler on the beach ...well he just hasn't been the same.
2I'll squeeze them and make some lemonade. How does that sound, Lemon Pie?
6cankles and the way your eyes twinkle when you get a free dessert at the all-you-can-eat crab shack down the road." Sigh. We were two sugary snap peas in a jumbo size pod.
4Heavy breathing. "I don't know who you are...but I am going to look for you. I am going to find you and kill you ... again." I told Liam to bury the hatchet and find a new hobby.
8Heya, care for something sweet and a lil fruity - like me?
3drooled a little. She always reacted rhat way when she anticipated treats. I removed the evidence and put out a fresh spread. "Here," I offered. "How about a nice juicy
2this tastes like - " "Dungarees are what my dad always wore on a hunt, " my aunt inserted. But I wasnt going to be deterred.
3returned to find that she'd been assigned to a new room, with a new roommate. Emma's headache worsened when she realized that she'd be up all rearranging her collection of
5and just for the record,I don't crack corn either." It was the truth. In fact it was that very day that Jimmy's corn cracked. He walked barefoot as usual to the local
5the resident roach population. Creepy crawlers crept from their crevices to startle the guestd. Screams echoed through the halls of the ancient hotel. The manager stepped on a worm
5had to be, well, razor sharp. They gleamed with an otherworldly light and were so shiny the King could see his marvelous reflection in the beveled surfaces. His barber had
4There was a knock at the door of the cat tower interrupting Major Prettypuss' plotting. "Whoz it knockin' a mah doorz?" His secretary served him a tray of catnip and tuna water.