Finished Folds (141—160)
5, the name of a failed Dr. Seuss book, had resurfaced in the archives of the Library of Congress. After decades buried underground, it mysteriously appeared. Titled Loose Lucy,
4they're just the basics of being a wizzard. With the gig, you also get fame, fortune & chicks. Or dudes. Whichever, or both. Anywho, children, let's get on with the initiation.
3Danielle Haim is a babe.
3His glasshouse was stone-proof, waterproof, and futureproof. Try as I might, I could not get in. I could not destroy the old man's house.
4Or well, undead, if that makes any sense. I'm writing from beyond the grave. Decided to take a break from casket... I was feeling a bit holed in.
5While chimney sweeping I sang, "Chimchiminey, chimchiminey chimchimcheroo, sometimes I am British, my wife has no clue." Clumsily climbing the ladder I swept a snake from our roof.
3But he suspected that he'd misinterpreted the purpose of a war re-enactment after arriving at the historic park in his Nixon outfit. The other re-enacters were shooting at one anot
4He said a quick prayer to the Goddess of unscripted television. "Dear Kim, please forgive me for what I am about to do." Staring at his now destroyed television, his wife asked him
3Cannibalism was quite the conundrum & one that I didn't want to risk during my Mt. Fuji expedition. So, I politely disagreed, declining Dr. Lu's Luscious Lecter health package.
6his mouth. How exactly had he gotten here? And why was he wearing swimming trunks? While mulling this over under someone's coffee table, he was interrupted rudely by a kernel of tr
5Jack White stared at the banana with such force, that his entourage knew that something was wrong. He had a long and tortured history with this particular fruit, and it started
2bedazzled my sister's jeans in the hopes that she wouldn't notice the splotch of paint. This, however, led her on a road to destruction. Here began her addiction to the bedazzler.
5before we knew it, we had become fly advocates. The fly expressed himself so eloquently we were swayed by his plea on behalf of his species. Our house was a fly sanctuary, and my
4a chocolate sundae with a creature, but it was just friendly dessert, the monster didn't have to get so territorial on Mark. Yes, Mark had been following me but only to make sure
3Real artists, starving artists with undeniable spark, eliciting emotion from even the likes of Ben Stein. He sighed as the popstar's girlfriend paraded her toddler around the set
5could see me and laughed at my disgust. When sleeping she looked completely different. She gnashed her teeth and roared which kind of reminded me of Where the Wild Things Are. I pa
2"But we aren't even halfway done with the pentagram gate." The demon grimaced as he left to bring them all more caffeine. Latte, espresso with extra foam... Damn, was that right?
4homemade jewelry. Her sis really needed to cut down on crafts. After her death, towers of jewelry had been left in the loft to clean up. It took time away from her murdering gig
3He went to the AV room to print the sexy 3D tentacle thing but found family & friends waiting for him. He decided to quit his addiction, repairing the connections with loved ones.
1work bag would be revenge enough. He sighed looking down at his pack of condoms. Even though Stella was his ex, he wanted the new guy to know of her infidelity. Planting condoms wa