Finished Folds (521—540)
1blazing. She took another swig from a jug before dumping the rest onto Trump's designer shoes. He was ranting and began insulting her. She cursed him, and just like that,
2Someone gave him a helpful little nudge, and suddenly he was flying down the slope. Onlookers were showered with black seeds that popped out of his watermelon rind skis.
1, which is why I walked to work that fateful day in February. In one hand, I held an e-cig, and over my shoulder was my cross-body satchel. I never expected
4with a right-hook to the jaw. Capt Enamels shrieked. "What the devil are you're doing? I just got new implants." Capt. Enamels checked his pearly whites for chips in the mirror.
2five feet away, I saw my crush talking with a group of friends at the bar. I wiped the pea scented gruel out of my face and hair, and dashed behind a coat rack to hide.
4How did they know where to find me? I'd left early in the wee hours of the morning. Yet when I opened the door, the wilting spinach reached out with leafy limbs to grab me.
3He said he'd take care of dessert. He went back to the kitchen and was in there a long time. I heard a cacophony of rattling, banging, and then a loud crash.
8Hey leggoahmahair! What were they doing? I tried to walk off. Backoffbeezus. Heywatsabigidear dongothrowinmeoutta here. Jushavina lilsip ... yawanna trysum? *Belch*
5Miss Whitcomb opened the valentine card and read it aloud in front of the whole class, "Roses are red, violets are blue, crayons cost less than a dinner for two."
5on its way. The gypsy clowns were playing with the radio. Lalalala lalalaa. The caravan was painted red and white
1Like a deflated souffle, I collapsed to the kitchen floor. Moments later I saw the sticky note on the fridge - a ransom note! "If you want to see your precious French toast again,
5drifted away silently. Time seemed to stand still here. I settled back into the ebb and flow and allowed my weightless form to be carried off by the rolling, salty waves.
3savored its deep flavors. "Mm, cloves, cinnamon, and ... blood oranges? Was Shirley drinking chai before she died?" "You're too good, Tony," Audrey murmured. I retracted my fangs.
3I'm just going to take a couple of bites and save the rest, I thought. The voice of my voracious appetite suddenly spoke, "Stop staring and eat it already!" I lifted the doughnut
3. *Rumble* First he'd stop for lunch though. 'Nothing like a serving of organic honey and fresh roots to get the old gears moving again. It was the paws that refreshed him
2around the edge of the door and lifted the chain. She pushed her way through. There was nothing I could do to stop her now. "Hildebertha, can't we just talk?" "You leetle
1"Literally?!" "Haha, very funny, Mister Smarty Pants! I expect to see some real results this time." Jeff wasn't listening though. No one called him that except
6startled by a loud noise. The ground shook. Then: "Woo hoo! We've struck gold, boys!" Folding Fairy left her Enamel sanctuary and ventured further into the cavity, where she met
1"It brings up bad memories. Don't ask me to explain." (Formerly) Starfish-McMahon sure was in a prickly mood. Ned could tell it was a touchy subject, so he dropped it. Instead he
5"Hm?""You can't wear polka dots with stripes! Are you serious about this job or joining the circus?" Jay just hoped Montague, the interviewer, didn't look down at his clown shoes.