Finished Folds (2041—2060)
4Italian sausage and meatball stew, while its ten legs and forty-two arms wrestled with each other to get at the pair of large metal tongs hanging on the wall. I watched as it
3at night and frolick by the light of a full moon. Completely carefree, they tossed candy and chocolates into the streets for random passerby to pick up. This was just great because
1taking them in his old VW van to his beachfront home. Donning a Hawaiian shirt, Mr Platypus forced Bill and Ken to listen to him play surf rock on the ukulele until they agreed to
5while the Morlocks were such a grouchy lot. Aside from scrounging on the surface for the occasional stray Eloi, they spent most days hammering away in the underground mines.
1"Now you've done it" babbled Bosco. "Nobody was supposed to know that I've got one to spare!" Sigh, now that the secret was out, I'd have to handle it very carefully. I reached out
5dient of his olfactory experience as he bit into a slice of mincepie. "What could pia mater with me?" he wondered aloud. It was then that the Head Engineer sauntered in and
12l flavor almost as much as the smell reminiscent of cloudy dishwater with a hint of fishoil. But one of these days Madame Wong dreamed of branching out and opening her own
5s broke free at last from the bottle of Mezcal that had fallen. One worm squirmed over and waggled a proleg at the man. "Muahaha, you only thought you could keep me prisoner!"
4She talked like a baroness and frequently changed her address. "Want to try sometime? I promise it'll blow your mind," she quipped. Freddy knew he had give her the slip, before
5was a greedy old curmudgeon who liked to hoarde his treasure like a gnarly dragon in a cave. Anytime someone won the lottery, he'd become quite literally green with envy.
13As I set up ant traps around the kitchen, Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind" was playing on the radio. It was then that I misheard the lyrics as "the ants are my friends..."
4- I said, as I stoop up. But I swayed as the room seemed to spin. What kind of mushrooms were those? I wondered aloud. Just then a pink caterpillar rose from the corner of the room
2Wings and Planet Wings are good, but MeMaw made the best wings. Wish I'd gotten her recipe before she passed. 'Course that was when they dropped the big one, a real bomb on nation.
9were size 36AAA, which meant that she would need to be recharged soon. My phantom hand could do it. I would have to use my upper left robotic arm to assmilate her
2That's so cornea." The swarthy Italian chef had his seeing eye dog, Baldo, at his side. If only I hadn't added so much garlic, I could've snatched the rol without him noticing.
5Instead he sauntered over to Roger Rabbit sitting nearby, and gave him a hard shove. Roger fell off his barstool and cried, "Puhpuhpuhplease, watch where you're goin,' Buster!"
1grabbed another tissue. "It snot my fault these shirts are covered with gooey stains!" he proclaimed to anyone who would listen. Of course that meant the staff at Shadyside Mental
4shag the ponies, because she thinks we want to turn them into rugs, but we really enjoy being with the animals, and we like playing horsey even when there aren't any animals around
5away, soon finding a little island with a pear tree in which there was a single partridge. He then went back to the boat, but found that the zombies had devoured the other animals!
6are okay for buying summery flip flops, but good luck finding a nice sturdy pair of six-inch heeled gogo boots to go with that rubber dress hanging in the back of your closet.