Finished Folds (1—6)
7Not literally of course. I mean I AM a toast but you know what I mean. Suddenly Judge Pumpernickel started to laugh loudly. It seamed that he found his joke very punny.
0The ghoul turned to the ghost of the dog and attacked it with a otherworldly beam of black snot which it shot from its nose. Now that the dog and the ghost of the dog was dead
5decided that this would be the day however, the day that she quit. She was tired of doing the same old stuff that she had been doing for years. So she walked straight to the boss
4with a 25 attack against DC which I assume will hit. The bastard DM smiled to himself, gleeful in the power he held over imaginary characters. He felt so alive, he would murder all
8This was my fourth time trying to make the jump. I knew I could do it this time, I got a running start and jumped into the air. The first thing that crossed my mind when I realized
2what the hell do you do?" They tend to pause after that and stare at me as if I'm some type of talking robot head with no REAL brain. It's a load of bs though. Everyone has voices