Finished Folds (121—126)
2kimchi, the Korean salad that tastes better than sauerkraut. Then they licked it off each other. Mmm... they said, 'tastes heavenly.'
1and landed on the dog's back. Doggie was not pleased about it cos he didn't like to have a bath and he didn't want the extra weight on his sore back. He shook himself and I fell
4cried until she laughed. The hand chair squeaked with delight, as did the whoopie cushion she clutched between her legs. 'oh me, oh my' she said, tears streaming down her face.
0He waited and waited with his hand still stuck in the crevice. He refused to give up. think, think, he told himself. How do I get out of this situation? what would Moses have done?
10Anyway I thought I'd take my chances and offered her my fishing pole. Never mind if there was no river in sight. She looked at me and said, 'Well what do you know about fishing?
1I lost my bearings and thought I was in New York. The doctor told me