Finished Folds (1—20)
6Unfortunately, the Kool-Aid was gluten-free, but it instead was labeled dairy-free, despite being full of dairy. Most everyone was lactose-intolerant, so
9get me some of the chicken. Is the chicken dairy free?" "No." "Great, the more gluten the better."
2managed to hide the fact that he was a spy from Italy, kidnapping pizza chefs from around the world. Manatee was a self-proclaimed pizza connoisseur, despite being ageusiac.
2. "Once upon a time, there was a man named Scareface. Scareface was so ugly that everyone died."
2Okay seriously though it smelled like shit. I decided it was time. Time to summon the lord himself, Mr. Clean.
4fell into a large hole. FINALLY AWAY FROM THAT HELL. I rejoiced inside the deep hole I was going to die in.
2E sharp sighed. It seemed he would never join that trio. Whatever. He didn't need them! He decided to gather his own band of misfits. E#, B# and G##.
2deal. Milk for something. Well, she had always wanted...something. She handed over the milk, and in return recieved
0almost everything. Harry decided he needed to do something. He needed to...
2saw Bob staring at me with his sexy Bob eyes. He came close and whispered one thing. "can you honk..."
2Unfortunately, instead of hitting the piece of shit judge that had been staring at me the whole time, my waffles blocked the bullet. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*gaspOOOOOOOOO!"
3Seriously. I will shoot it. You know. If I need to. I'm not guilty, so don't make me shoot you, your Honor. No, don't send the bailiff I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL SHOOT THE BAILIFF
2The fifty people were changing, however. They were all shifting into...
0Disgusted with this barren land, the spirits decided to abandon it. Leave it to wither. The spirits didn't care much about what happened to it after that.
2her extended family. In fact, that and trashy romance novels were all she cared about. In any case, I was very hungry and cranky and as such murdered the captain in a fit of rage.
1was no space left in the book anymore. Unfortunately, as he finished it, somebody ran in and grabbed it. He cried in the rain for the hours and then got shot by the thief. END
0that you can't trigger nuclear bombs by yelling "BOOM!" The moron president couldn't understand that, and certainly not this. All he could do now was muse.
2SO he decided that if the humans were going to reject him, then he would rebel against. them. Leading the charge, he marched to a house that looked like it belonged to a human.
3observed like a spy. While the heated dancing continued, the cat watched with malicious intent.
5Every day he had to deal with the same thing. The same job, the same home, the same words. He felt like he was just repeating the same day. But that'd be ridiculous...right?