Finished Folds (241—260)
2patience along with his income. He'd found a baby with the placenta still attached and smeared it with chocolate pudding. By God, He'd show these damned nuns immaculate conception!
5dandruff shudder from follicles and sweats pour forth from glands that ruddy the dermis. A monsoon of saliva and engendered fluids from other regions pour forth, combining.
9the retirees who lived in the gentrified homes he'd torched while showboating. Sometimes he would cut loose a fart so tremendous he would experience acceleration. It was his dream
2putting up resorts left and right and importing beaches and "authentic" boys for their cabanas. There was room for all & more in the swiss cheese interior of Ceres. Damn Old Earth!
3Ah was never one to let uh good smore roast pass me by, so ah hustled me chillun outside with uh bag of Jet-Puff an' some Hersheys wit de grahams to share wit them pointy hat white
9That was the very color of his hide. Nevertheless,courtship etiquette prevailed. "Marvelous!" he exclaimed, as his sex organ quietly & courteously detached itself in her direction.
1was stranded in the midst of a yiffing concert. I would make the most of the night, I promised myself, as a brony—Rainbow Dash— slowly rubbed itself against my haunches.
7accordions and folding chairs. Also she littered her temporary domicile with Byōbuses and interlinked post-its. Hotel Foldingstory was a panacea for the likes of her, and
0brain blow out of its pan.In the course of a single hour, before perishing in violent conflict, Olf commandeered these vehicles respectively: an ambulance, a moped with dog inside,
4At the end of the night, which was quite late, she was still throwing her weight around to the music and several apocalypses had come and gone. Widespread flooding, earthquakes, an
9dot in the big blue that slowly shrank in reverse accretion, itself becoming a dot as well, worlds & stars passing by my back stroke, a scream of light gradually filling my vision.
3They stood, enraptured, slowly turning to dust-shrouded skeletons tended to by glittering orb weavers who rose and fell in the limpid darkness. Their old silk absorbed the spectra,
5yoga lessons or a wrench. She opted for the latter and soon the recliner was in optimum shape, with upgrades that manifested itself in the process. She couldn't help adding
4A candle flickered past, illuminating a sphere of relief in the darkness, until it disappeared far above. More candles came, on desks, end tables, and shelves. She drifted, Alice.
5all colour and form into a featureless white plain. She stood alone in that vaulting emptiness. "Hello?" she whispered. "Hello? Is there anyone here?" She ran,dwindling to a speck.
5The spammer's finger hung an inch above the enter key. "Bombs away," he whispered, a shuddering wetness, like it always did, spreading itself on his pants. His finger fell.
6, he hung himself with raw muscle power upon a flagpole and waved his body, quite discrete in his lack of discretion. The panties, in hot wind, eventually untwisted themselves, but
2have hardly accounted for my phenomenal rise to success." He fished the monocle from its watery repose and slurped at its glassy surface. "Right, Daddy?"
2its occurrence within his brain, spending the rest of his years sitting zazen in an attempt to wrap it around his mind. The crossing of the two dogflowers was surely a huge mistake
1struck me, running over my neck with its burning tyres. A winking contraption was strapped to its back, and it left flame trails as it accelerated. When I blinked, it was gone...