FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12She leant her forehead against his shoulder then wiped her tear stained face across his shirt. "I don't want this divorce." "We can't have everything we want, we both know that."
10obvious attempt to control me by having me answer. So I just stared at myself. I won't even nod. That would be an answer. "Now who's in control?" Again with the questions! How
10easy shuffling thru the vacant corridors of my soul. It hurts when people are nice. He spent a drunken night complimenting me & asking to hang out. Next day, he blocked me on IM.
10For one thing, his comments on FS were always critical of others' grammatical errors.
13(No FoldingStory participants were harmed in the making of this Fold. Special thanks to MoralEnd, without whom none of this would have been necessary.)