FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14ed salad fork was all I had with which to defend myself, and surely the Minotaur had five, maybe ten, forks at least! I was doomed. And my fork was slowly warming. The labyrinth
11Less luck than his swanky brother, Pster, and remainied unemployed forlornly roaming the streets with his metal detector in hand. Suddenly, an otherworldly ping alerted Peter
10I had changed my mind and ate some crumpets for breakfast. The bubblegum Pop-Tart calmed down and its mini baby bubblegum Pop-Tarts came out from hiding to play
13speckled flycatcher I just saw whizzing by the plane?" I said to the navigator. He looked away and I clocked him atop his head with the fire extinguisher. No more weed for him.
10That was because underneath her wimple, Sister Ornelia was actually a homicidal kangaroo who had been scheduled to be "put down" at the circus, but had escaped and gone on a