I said GO AWAY. No, wait...stop. Turn around.

  • I said GO AWAY. No, wait...stop. Turn around. Come back. No wait... Just go on, leave. Yes, I mean it. Right now. No wait...stop. Turn around. Come back. Yes, I mean it.

  • ...He's gotta step on that land mine eventually... "A little to the left. No, the other left. Actually, all the lefts. Make every possible left turn. You'll know when to stop."

  • He seemed to spiral the entire field and never did step on a mine. I walked up. "Huh. I was sure..." I heard a click under my left boot and froze. He smiled at me

  • before running over to my open arms and kissing me passionately. It was in that moment we forgot about the land mine under my foot and as our bodies were blown into

  • outerspace just before an astroid smashed into the earth and killed all life. WOW, talk about luck. Plus we were able to hold out breaths until we reached the space station.

  • Once we got 2 the station we breathed the fresh air like it was going out of style,until the stench wafted through the building. It was a mixture of old socks, FancyFeast, &

  • decomposing badger. Elmer grabbed me by the shoulder and pointed a quivering finger towards a heap of rags on the ground. Something was writhing beneath them.

  • I could hear it rummaging beneath the bloody rags. Elmer took his evil hands and twisted my head to look. I opened my eyes and saw a piece of the horrible thing poking out

  • "Beautiful isn't it," he asked as his caustic breath flowed down my neck. "You're mad." "Soon enough, you will join me!" Elmer slammed the door. The creature awoke.

  • Elmer let out a rye hiccup, then swigged down the remainder of his flask. I screamed in horror at the lapine entity that now rose to consume me, starting with my very mind & soul.



  1. Zetawilk Jun 13 2014 @ 00:12

    Angel Bunny, no! D:

  2. lucielucie Jun 13 2014 @ 13:45

    This was the first fold I wrote! Points all round!

  3. buddyboy4711 Jun 13 2014 @ 15:35

    ^Where do the year-and-four-months go? *sniffle*

  4. Zetawilk Jun 13 2014 @ 15:37

    For me? Down the TOILET.

  5. Scribbly Jun 13 2014 @ 21:47

    PurpleProf's first line cracks me up haha.

  6. PurpleProf Jun 13 2014 @ 22:22

    Thank you, Gribbly! :) Enjoying your folds as well and HAPPY to have you here on FS!!

  7. buddyboy4711 Jun 13 2014 @ 22:24

    Yeah, well I said GO AWAY, Gribbly. No, wait...stop. Turn around. Come back.

  8. Scribbly Jun 14 2014 @ 01:06


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