I removed all the money from an envelope

  • I removed all the money from an envelope labeled 'Life Savings' and turned it in for a stack of chips. The roulette wheel was calling me. "All these on red," I said. My luck

  • changed. I took my winnings and put all on "Miserable Disaster" to place first at 50 to 1. Later, I answered the door from my fabulous mansion. A lame rabbit wanted his foot back.

  • I slammed the door in its face & tried escaping from the back door. A disgruntled leprechaun with an empty pot blocked my way. My phone rang. It was Bea Lady. My luck had run out

  • but this was not going to put me off. I searched through my satchel and found a pocket-watch and a knife. This was all I would need to

  • I stabbed the mayor through the throat and ate a pot noodle while disposing of the body.

  • bit of chicken noodelz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • squealed the ravenous, rambunctious fifth graders. It wasn't quite lunch time yet, and Anita didn't know how much longer she would be able to hold the little monsters at bay.

  • Eventually, she knew, they would end up eating her alive, unless she managed to find something more intriguing in those few short minutes before the lunch bell. Saying a quick pra

  • wn joke might help. "A prawn went clubbing. He pulled a mussel." Not a titter. They got out a bucket of mustard, covered her & tucked napkins under their chins. The lunch bell rang

  • and for once in a very rare while, justice is finally served and another stand-up comedian bites the dust. A silver plate, s'il vous plait.



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