The day the grid went down, many were trapped

  • The day the grid went down, many were trapped in their home entertainment bunkers. I was out and about, surrounded by lost, panicky people going through early withdrawal. Linkless

  • and lawless types like me where suddenly at an advantage. After my sentencing for digital trespassing, I was uncoupled from the net & became self sufficient. My neighbour knocked.

  • It was late in the afternoon and I she had not received a formal invitation. I was dismayed by the lack of proprietary that is now what we call polite society. My neighbour stood

  • on my doormat, urinating into my flowers with his robe untied. The mailman doodled in my paper and flipped me off. I would accept an informal party invitation if it meant leaving

  • Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. I mean, any excuse to get outta here was a good one. Ever since Fred Rogers died, the HOA fees skyrocketed and the train to the Land of Make-Believe

  • was shut down to lack of funding. The Museum-Go-Round was replaced with a Walmart. King Friday sighed as he looked over his land; he was just another puppet of the machine.

  • This would not stand. King Friday would not sit idly by as rampant corporate profiteering dominated the social landscape of his Kingdom. He knew just what to do.

  • That was because he was a dwarf. Well, and because he had The Blackskull's brain in a leather sack. The Dwarf would ask the brain questions. King Friday was afraid of the

  • answer to this question the Dwarf asked Blackskull's brain: "How will King Friday die?" He sprinted out of his palace but the Dwarf caught up with him - they always do, you see

  • because there's always some owl or something to take pity on the poor stunted benders and carry them off hie and non. King Friday died from internet usage.



  1. SlimWhitman Apr 13 2013 @ 04:43

    somehow a very appropriate ending considering the beginning...

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