After umbral flashes & a brief inflationary

  • After umbral flashes & a brief inflationary period, a swollen red giant had a coronal mass ejection resulting in orbital insertion of ejecta into the companion star. The Panspermia

  • hypothesis first mentioned by 5th century BC philosopher Anaxagoras is well supported by the interplanetary transfer of material as evidenced on meteorites of Martian origin

  • ..." "Fascinating, utterly fascinating." she interrupted. "But what's your opinion on surgically enhanced mammary glands?" The disguised Martian tore her blouse open. The professor

  • liked to keep abreast of such situations and, now thoroughly titillated, he made a thorough examination of the phenomena. Nipply laser beams suddenly blinded the professor

  • 's treacle student aid. Her name was Gilly. She was a total kiss-ass. The professor had written a scathing letter of rec about her so she could never leave him.

  • But as he was a known quantity the fact that he continued to have her as his student aid implied to The Committee that she was everything she wasn't in the letter. Bidding soon

  • Went to the extreme range. The college was strictly controlling who was on campus and they didn't want critical thinkers. They wanted bear mush brains and they were plentiful.

  • Indoctrination was in at the college. Mush-brained students attended class, unlearned common sense, and spouted PC platitudes but couldn’t remember lyrics to “The Addams Family."

  • "Meet George Jetson.." they'd sing in their nauseating geek voices. The dean banged his head against the wall realizing the National Ivy League TV Series Competition was off limits

  • to him, but apparently not to his class. So he got out his trusty bottle of Chuckle Acid and pointed it at them. They immediately sat up and paid attention. "Very good, class."



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