I... am ... tired.... 1 am rolls again around

  • I... am ... tired.... 1 am rolls again around a night third in a row... responsible? Me? Hahaha.. Do I have fooled them all! The seconds tick by and the FoldingStory grasps my

  • brain, it's fingers threshing through the bloody twists & turns of my mind, searching, seeking my amygdala, the center of my emotion. My name is Dr. Foldenstein & this is my story.

  • Before the terrible monstrosity I created, I was a happy German lad. Descendent of the great family Foldenstein, I went to creative writing school. I longed to discover the spark o

  • f creativity deep within my swampy soul. It came to me in a vision that I must use more adverbs. The monster Foldenstein agreed wholeheartedly and I gingerly took up my quill

  • and wrote: Willingly, ever so modestly, the monster swayed triumphantly in the breeze. ... I frowned and crumpled the paper. "ADVERBS!? You want more ADVERBS!? Who do you think I

  • am, a member of royalty? Adverbs are expensive, and so far I haven't seen a single euro from any of you." The audience waited, while the master writer baited.

  • In walked the Queen. She slowly ambled to her chair with an air of a premature victor. The master writer stared. Would she be able to pay for the contestants' pricy adverbs?

  • The Queen's beautiful tortoiseshell fur coat and her lovely meowing made her such a charmer. No one cared whether her human, Sir Osbert Huxley III, had the funds to pay for it.

  • Which he didn't. He owed money all over The City. He had been barred from all of his Clubs and had to cross the Strand to find a pub that would serve him but for much lighter coin.

  • Marie, at Boingeaux's House of Questionable Beef, had a big heart and fed him beef heart from a cow that had died from an enlarged heart. The two got married and died soon after.



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