"That's easy for you to say. You have a tin

  • "That's easy for you to say. You have a tin hat! I tell you there's a grand wizard out there controlling everything with his mind waves."

  • "Nonsense!" I refuted him grabbing the lapels of his tweed overcoat. "The radio waves are generated by god-like intelligent beam of pink light! (Strap on this colander.)"

  • He declined so I did the only reasonable thing. I colanderized his head by force. I knew the uncolandered would never survive when the pink rapture came. The idiots with tin foil

  • just sitting in their cupboards unused would not joing the party of the pink rapture. Unlike traditional rapturists, I believe in the true Pink Rapture. Jesus will comeback but ins

  • -tead of being dressed in shiny white robes, he would be wearing a pink speedo." This was the best pro-gay argument I could think of. If I could convince Christians that Jesus was

  • really from Mars, I'd be rich! But first, I had to do away with those pesky rovers.

  • They'd leave vulgar messages in the sand with their tire tracks.The indigenous Rover clan of Mars had ostracized our Nasa Rover diplomats, and chaos reigned. My real estate scheme

  • fell apart, but truthfully I didn't care. The fact that cuss words were being forever written across the plains of the Mars desert for untold future generations was much more inter

  • ior decoration inspired than most would think. It was based concepts by famous interior decorator Vlad Zuzich who inspired the Mars Red Dust Swear Jar look

  • by cursing so much that he needed a jar just to fill up with other jars. I was the only one who rolled my eyes in annoyance when other party-goers referred to it as "Jar-ception".



  1. Zetawilk Apr 12 2013 @ 22:22

    And when the jar-jars rattle, they make a bink sound.

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