One morning I woke up and noticed that everything

  • One morning I woke up and noticed that everything had changed. My fish bowl and lamp was upside-down, the numbers on my clock were different, and the hue on my t.v was all wrong.

  • This confused me and I was to lazy to sort it out. I then saw this boy behind me, "who are you?" i asked staying calm "what do you mean you're the one who asked me back to yours?"

  • The boy behind me said not a word. He chortled. I shouted, "I demand to know who you are!" He said, "I am you 20 years ago." Freakiness pounded in my chest, then it's true

  • . If the boy behind me was me 20 years ago, that meant the fat bald guy standing in front of me was... No! It couldn't be! I chortled. The fat bald guy turned slowly around

  • saying, "I am the ghost of you yet to come." I fell to my knees. "The baldness, the obesity, the hellish trousers! Tell me how to change the future!" "You must go to Japan. Fish is

  • full of mercury in the US. Arrive in Japan on Respect For The Aged Day, carry a God Jesus Robot toy & eat Shirako for 7 days to change your fate," said the Ghost of Me Yet To Come

  • Around to Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. I was having none of it, Steady State was I, committed, the Fred Hoyle statue in my garden had cost me a bundle. "Change my fate?"

  • I begged Albert Einstein when I saw him at happy hour later that afternoon. Being Steady State was so mundane. I wasn't really all that steady. I was, in fact, gravitating towards

  • the Big Crunch. Albert gazed into my Dark Matter eyes and said, "Relatively speaking, you've been my biggest mistake. So I flirted with Hawking who said I'm finite but unbounded

  • ." The audience oohed like a gamma ray burst that'll obliterate the earth in a few months. "Neil! Neil! Neil!" they chanted. "Now for my final thought," Neil de Grasse-Tyson said.



  1. SlimWhitman Jan 12 2015 @ 13:09

    Sorry, I forgot to unquote, but you handled it nicely, GB. Pretty amusing story all around. Everbody back slap their ghosts of (s)he who is yet to come.

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