They sat in the car, listening to the murder

  • They sat in the car, listening to the murder happening inside. They were supposed to be observers, but Trent's training could not mask words his father had drilled into his head:

  • "Doing nothing is cowardice." He picked the chainsaw up and yanked it. Blue smoke coughed out. He yanked again. It burped. The killer turned his head and looked and saw Trent

  • picking up a rusty parasol. Of all things, he thinks he could best me with that measly thing! Hah! The killer dropped the chainsaw and laughed! How foolish was he!? The killer got

  • ready for the final blow to kill the cross dresser. But suddenly the air was filled with song . "Supercalafajalistickespeealadojus, Even though the sound of it is something quite

  • odd." Just then, the Drag Queen Avengers arrived on scene. "Who's been messing with one of mah ladies?" RuPaul, the leader asked in a very glamourous way. It's time to lipsynch for

  • the crowd, but he couldn't, because a cucumber had just been stuffed into his mouth and forced down his throat. RuPaul, DQA Captain was going to suffocate to death on a phallic

  • stereotype. Then, RuPaul rememered her second face hidden under the hair. This one barked, "Time for church, asshole!" and proceded to go all Vengeful God on her attacker.

  • She commanded shrimps to eat all of the crops, and hence the land was covered with shrimps. People started cheering, because shrimps had been $17 per ounce for the past few weeks.

  • Unfortunately, what they didn't realise was that this particular strain of shrimp were hallucinogenic. After consuming large quantities of the shrimp, people reported experiencing

  • visions of dingos stealing babies in the Australian Outback. The shrimpers up and down the West Coast were shut down and fined millions of dollars, but how would that help Azaria?



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