Ever since registering for "randomjunk.com",

  • Ever since registering for "randomjunk.com", Kevin was receiving one random item a month for 50$. Series M-421 miniature canioptimeter read the manifest. "Now what could this be?"

  • It appears to be some sort of helmet and it had a gauge. Hmmm... Kevin put the cranioptimeter on his head. Immediately, the microrods inserted into his skull. Kevin screamed

  • as a flood of memories cascaded into his cranium, memories that were not his own. A torrent of images, sounds, words, smells, thoughts, and feelings overran his every sense.

  • The haters of file-sharing blew up his operation. "BitTorrent does experiences? What will they "steal" next?" their ringleader gasped. He destroyed copies of "The Sharing Song" and

  • pictures of Julian Assange with really cute lol cats. When I say "He," I am purposely avoiding identifying the person that did this thing. "He" is much more than just a person who

  • blows whistles until he's blue in the face 'He' cannot be identified but one thing I can tell you is that 'he' has a pet curly-toed sloth called Frantic Fanny & that sloth would do

  • well to avoid me if he knows what's good for him. Durned things is always gettin' in mah way. Now 'He', on the other hand, wants you to go pick up some milk and a loaf of bread

  • and a stick of butter. Is that to much to ask?" The cocker spaniel soft mouthed the grocery list and backed away. "I tell youse it is so hard to find a good dawg these days. Always

  • glad I've got mine." Meanwhile his cocker spaniel trotted off to the market, a slightly soggy list still in its mouth. Jim Bob, a grocery clerk spotted the pooch in the parking lot

  • . The dog spit out the list in Jim Bob's hand & looked up expectantly. Jim Bob couldn't believe his eyes! The list! After all these years! He sat down on the curb & wept bitterly.



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