There is nothing worse than making a grammatical

  • There is nothing worse than making a grammatical or spelling mistake on Folding Story. It was like a kick in the balls. But the damn timer created so much anxiety that

  • I sweated orange. I had to load up on Gatorade to keep myself from fainting from FS pressure. The problem was compounded by the fact that I'm an English teacher. One missed comma

  • and my whole world combabulapses in a stinging dungle heap. FUCK! I need more Gatorade!

  • The press corps stood in stunned silence. No President had so eloquently expressed what was in their hearts before, AND without benefit of a teleprompter. Sure, Bush had made you

  • scream at the television in frustration, but that wasn't even close to what this commander-in-chief made you feel. Everything was going to be all right after all. World War Three

  • was an awesome idea. People say there is no such thing as a good war but they haven't watched as many action films as me. Love scenes should be censored but violence should be

  • an Olympic sport once again. The gladiators really knew what they where doing. For example, the Biathlon, they should ski and then shoot each other. Table Tennis, to the death!

  • And how 'bout gladiator synchronized swimming as an Olympic sport, huh? The International Olympic Committee pondered the possibilities as they negotiated with the gladiators

  • in intense heat. "Their heavy uniforms would sink them," said a Committee member. "That's easy to solve, we will find a lightweight metallic material and have it made as underwear

  • ." But the committee head took the prototype and sat around in his 4x4 apartment all day sniffing the prototype. He was discovered and thrown off the committe, which floundered.



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