My eyes started to see some shapes in the

  • My eyes started to see some shapes in the darkness. The hole was big enough to host another guest. The water would probably come from a leaking pipe and a beam of light ...

  • formed an ellipse on the wall. The steady drip drip was unnerving, but what bothered me more was the eerie presence I felt in the hole. The hackles on my neck raised when warm mois

  • -t gangrene appeared on my chest. moist gangrene is a form of gangrene in which the necrosed part is moist and soft. It was rotten. And smelly. Like warmed over hopelessness

  • I'd always thought that the depiction of slowly transforming into a zombie was inaccurate. Now that I was living it, the gangrene was like a badge, but not of honor. More like

  • a beauty spot but more noticeable. At zombie beauty schools they taught to cover gangrene with a light green putty but I was proud and unashamed. I wore a

  • beautiful lace dress, vaguely reminiscent of 50's style. It was only lightly splattered with brains, unlike most of my other clothing. My hair was still attached to my scalp, but

  • not much could be said about about my my bottom jaw. Oh well. Who would notice? I'm dead. I suddenly felt the urge to feed. I wasn't really hungry but the desire was intolerable.

  • Why brains? I would think an arm or a leg would be more accessible. But nope, I was peckish for some grey matter. I picked up my bits and shuffled forwards.

  • "NEXT!" a loud lady with cat glasses hollered. "Me.That would be me. Brains, please." I asked politely. She turned & rifled through a gray cardboard box. "What size?" she asked.

  • "Extra Large," I replied, leaning forward so she could scoop the brain into my empty skull. "Last one I got," she yelled. I became the 1st zombie to win the Nobel Peace Prize.



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