Jamie Summers landed with a soft squelch

  • Jamie Summers landed with a soft squelch upon the wombat. Thirty operations later it was reborn..better, faster, stronger - as the Bionic Wombat. Aided by its allies, Robopork &

  • Cy-Vole, the Bionic Wombat would be ready to face down jay walkers and criminal trespassers where-ever they dared ply their nefarious trades. Soon, they group would be tested as

  • the local church had decided to host senior citizen day trips to various downtown small businesses. The most difficult part of about apprehending these ne'er do wells would be

  • remembering their faces. Once you have seen one senior citizen, you have practically seen all of them because they all look about the same in my opinion. The facial recognition sof

  • ware is a total sham. Basically, I hired some North Korean students to take old Q-Bert software, warm it over and slap "Facial Recognition Software" on the package. I only did that

  • because South Korean students have priced themselves out of the market. I sold the reimagined Facial Recognition Software from a table in my garden. I was a millionaire within week

  • and a billionaire within a month. By happenstance my neighbor made a simultaneous breakthrough in affordable drone technology. We were loaded but Security Drones started popping up

  • all over the nieghborhood, making it possible to find out who was swinging with whom & what all the hot housewives were doing all day long. The security drones real purpose was to

  • spread vicious rumors about the president and plant microchips into his cabinet members. The security drones had to win the trust of the assistants. So everyday they brought them

  • sugar-laden and fattening trappings of the American breakfast with designer coffee.They were easily won over;history would brand them traitors when the Lizards from Deep Time came.



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