What do you buy Kim Kardashian for Christmas?

  • What do you buy Kim Kardashian for Christmas? Yahoo! has the most incisive questions. I pondered this baffler into the wee hours of the new year. Only 357 shopping days left.

  • Santa sighed.

  • While the red-suited-provider-of-gifts was day dreaming, Rudolph seized the opportunity and kicked his white bearded master in the nuts. He bleated twice as a sign victory,

  • and the reindeer made a run for it. Unfortunately, they were still reined together and since Blitzen was too drunk to walk (as usual), they had to drag his dead weight which

  • threw the whole sleigh off-balance. Santa's treats spilled over the side. The team took a vote later and came to conclusion that it would behoove Blitzen to go into rehab.

  • After a long teary intervention Blitzen begrudgingly agreed to enter rehab. He went to the barn to pack his bags but when Donner went to get him the sled was missing and there were

  • empty steroid vials scattered across the floor & a note: "Catch me if you can, suckers! - Blitzen". Donner ran to Santa with an update. "Quick! I need some glitter & some of those

  • Sticky notes as reminders of which houses to stop at, especially those with multiple trees. One package per tree." Santa was out of breath as he tried to keep up with demand for

  • leaves since the Trumpy Administration switched us off the paper currency to simply leaves. People were sending their Saturday morning raking to their relatives and friends as gift

  • s. But the Middle Class got the shaft because they could only afford trees with small leaves.The wealthy 1% owned all of the Umbrella & octopus tress. Time for a Revolution!



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