After I'd received my neighbor returned to

  • After I'd received my neighbor returned to me from selling him on eBay, the car wash's genie mascot explained his master was the car wash owner. I plotted to earn his wishes for my

  • ultimate life goal: a third testicle. I always said I'd give my left nut for a third testicle. All I had to do was cuckold the genie from the car wash owner and make him my bitch.

  • But first, I needed to think. Thinking was hard.

  • I don't know why I even bothered. Consciousness was a real drag on the whole. My sense of self was probably my least favorite sense, come to think of it. Damn, another thought! Why

  • I had such a problem with my inner voice. It was always telling me to follow my life's ambition and all I wanted to do was watch Top Gear. Alcohol was able buffer some.

  • Then I learned about "The Secret." Focus on my desires and they would materialize. But where did my desires come from? Where did Alcohol and Top Gear come from? Where did

  • this bruise come from? Last thing I remember is the tequila a black chick named Tiffany.

  • I reached into my pocket and found a clue, it was a business card for a taxidermist on Broadway Ave. I hailed a cab and asked the driver to take me to the address

  • on the heart of the fashion district. Walking past the bolts of fabric, I found a tiny door. As I crawled through, I saw the biggest stuffed sparkly unicorn w/ another clue on its

  • left hind sparkle. It was a teeny scroll. I unrolled the mini message and read: "Where you heart is there will be your treasure also." But I had left my heart in San Francisco.



  1. Zetawilk Jan 11 2013 @ 22:11

    This story began as some sort of sequel to another fold: http://foldingstory.com/md0m7/am1hil/

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