And then POW! Out of nowhere, he got it right

  • And then POW! Out of nowhere, he got it right in the

  • middle of the target! His boss screamed like a little girl as he fell into the dunk tank. Everyone laughed. Everyone, except for Jeff, sitting by himself by the beer tent.

  • Jeff broodily drank his red stripe beer in the beer tent. Dark clouds and gloom circled above his head. He ripped the cap of another red stripe and snapped it across the tent. Snee

  • d caught the Red Stripe and saved it for bait. Sneed decided to become Jeff's personal demon, or at least demonic pal. The festival-goers with their lightsticks and vegan sweetness

  • would be fodder to their evil wiles. Jeff and Sneed, his demon, wafted bacon sandwiches in the festival-goers faces. Temptation raging, those vegans scoffed the sarnies to the poin

  • t of extreme salivation. I mean, these vegans were slobbering all over themselves, their nostrils flaring at the scent of bacon. Jeff & Sneed watched in delight as the vegans

  • removed their leatherless belts, the universal sign of "End animal product virginity" and "Obtain girth". The vegans made slobbery, unforsaken nourishment with Jeff & Sneed's bacon

  • vendor pinned between their hairy knees, his limbs trussed together with organic-dyed vegetable ivory necklaces - the poor guy didn't stand a chance as they devoured his warm flesh

  • y fruits. The succulent blueberries, grapes, and persimmons disappeared too quickly for him to wrench them away from the hairy hands, which reached out and stole them from him.

  • It was just as well. Just like his life, like all lives, the fruits that remained uneaten would all too soon wither and wilt into rotten, wrinkled mold. His fruits of entropy.



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