He was a ninja and a hipster which mean

  • He was a ninja and a hipster which mean

  • kids would often accuse of being one in the same thing to be completely honest. They hide in the shadows, wear alternative clothing and are well trained in the arts of

  • decoupage and somnovibrance. Those particular and one might say distinctive youths eschew the TV news, the press, the cell phones and music gadgets of their peers, because they

  • are blessed with touching the music of the spheres. They are one with mystical orbs. These luddite teens hangout at Ren Fairs and perform great feats of juggling. A rare breed,

  • amused with feats of juggling skill by day, & plotted to end the age of machines by night. Jester Judd played a minor chord of the musica universalis, a meteor to reset civilizatio

  • -n's penchant for resetting itself. Historical perspectives only tell you juggling clowns will not solve all your problems. Would you rather watch the History Channel or the circus

  • . Why, this was the very reason Harvard Law School sought clowns instead of history majors to enter their prestigious JD program. Clowns can juggle, are affable and good at

  • squeezing into small cars. Thus saving in transport costs around campus. Harvard Law School had considered installing a mono-rail for students to get across campus

  • but found that putting the Math nerds and the English nerds in the same train car resulted in significant loss of life. With the small cars, the nerds were safely left to

  • repose on the algorithmic structure of language to their heart's content, and so it was that on this train car they had a veritable Renaissance. The Orient Express Renaissance.



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