It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad scientist

  • It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad scientist who creates a giant robot to defend the world against the Asian Indians because he thinks they're all hippies.

  • What the world needs is a slightly irate scientist who just wants to take over the world in smaller chunks, like the neighbors next door who BBQ at all hours of the night. His plan

  • apparently, was to ramp up from slight annoyances to full-blown aggravations until I moved away and he'd start squatting on my land. Pretty soon, if things kept going the way they

  • were my cockles were going to get steamed. Nothing chaps my hide more than having my hand used for furniture. It really makes my blood boil.

  • I don't mind my hand being used as a condiment. Or a tea cosy. Or a pressure cooker. But use it as an occasional table and YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH. There... I just kicked the cat

  • . Jane watched the cat hair fly, then handed me her Coke. "Just hold this for me for a sec," she said. I took it & then realized she'd tricked me. My hand WAS an occasional table.

  • My eyes widened and my mouth opened to receive any incoming objects. I ended up choking on the flying cat hair. My occasional table hand tipped upward and Jane's Coke slid onto the

  • dance floor. This was my shot, and I knew it. I ran up to the stage grabbed the microphone and belted out "Evacuate the Dancefloor!" and pointed to the spilled soda. No one moved.

  • They hadn't realized the dangers a spilled soda could present! We were all doomed, and would soon descend into a caos of stumbling bodies, flying punch and involuntary

  • blabbering...Nothing that an aspirin or two couldn't solve.Tomorrow wold be another day,but it was past midnight already.Now what?



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