Finished Folds (1—9)
0However, nobody will understand what were happening there. It was just amazing.
1Zombie 'people'! Listen to the Zombie Zen Teachings! These lessons teach you to be a zombie. Zombies in the world, let's be zombies! - the zombie master said. And he spoke again:
4And so everything started again. We could find rich and poor, famous and complete strangers, happy and unhappy people... This was the "balance" needed by humans.
1Deseé tu cuerpo de mujer pero no lo llegué a poseer, parte de mi ser me culpa por no encontrarte en mi musa. Espero tumbado que tu voz me llame con sonido atronador
3Al final, entre churros y burros, tuve que irme a casa. Con un burro de más, y churros de menos. Por suerte, allí me esperaba Chispas, la perra que compré hace un mes, que siempre
4leaving all these and going out of there. Now he was free, he can do whatever he wanted. He wept for joy. And so, he lay down on the thin grass, and looked at the sky. Free.
8a horde of zombies "knocked on his door." And on his windows. Nothing could be done. It was too late. All seemed lost, when suddenly,
2Every time he arrived for work he looked tired, weary, almost sick. He seemed not to spend a good run at home. Probably, he
2in a tavern. He was ussually drunk, and each time he arrived home, his wife had to tell the children to go to the bed. It wasn't easy for her. But he, M80 still