Finished Folds (2941—2960)
6I turned a corner and there was a round headed kid and another one with a blanket. They were about to buy the tree I was looking at but I beat them to the punch. "Good Grief!"
5the window, a flock of crows was massing out on the Hudson. Trump mummered for everyone to get down as a black murder hit the windows. Palin squaked and hid under the desk. Glass
3Greek gladiator thumb wrestling. We took off our clothes and locked our hands on the regulation green felt table. I bested him two out of three. We put on bath robe and went to the
3had to give tributes of pellets and full heads of iceberg lettuce or be forced to gladiator battles in yellow plexiglass balls. "More woodchips, Now! or feel the wheel!" Sad times.
4We dry-suited off the coast of Duluth. The wreck was down deep so we had limited time. I prayed I wouldn't get the nitrogen narcosis. We hit the flares and went to the hatch.
4He looked at what he had just written. What rhymes with blue? Why were his poems always about flowers? He tore the paper in tiny pieces. He would never get a job at Hallmark.
4He fell into to the vastness of her kiss. A swelling pulse moved through his brain. If he left her, the afterimage of her lips on his would startle him for weeks to come. She felt
3ifIstoppedusingspaces&punctuationmaybeIcouldfitmyvastknowlegeintothislimitedspaceIthendiscoveredIusedthespacestobreathsoIwaspassingout Gasp! (whew) 180 characters was a challenge.
2I sank deeper between the scarlet velvet cushions. With one free hand I tried to grip the arm rest, but I slipped further into the couch. Suddenly, a vastness opened up.
5here I was holding a lead pipe. I heard the squak of a bullhorn, "We know you're in there Colonel! Come out of the Billiard Room with your hands up!" How could I tell them they had
4one of our offsite visitors dropped a piece of baguette into the megnetic coil. The result was an anti-matter scism which radiated through the 8th dimension. I held onto my watch.
5Was it really happily ever after? Sure, the fairy tale wedding was great and all but the summary execution of the ugly sisters and wicked step mother left the peasants feeling
6chewed on the deep dish for a while. The congressmen sat back on the couches and watched America's Got Talent. Someone piped up, "16 Billion for the Trident?" They all said "Aye!"
4I reached for the remote too late. Rick Astley face melted and flowed from the cathode tube. "Never gonna give you up-pup-pup-pup." The song echoed through my damaged brain. Colors
3and merrily frolicked with them unaware of the Man-Eating Trap that was right in front of him. With a quick snap, he was no more. A flower opened for the next victim.
7His life from that point on was a down-ward spiral, from licorice jelly beans and gum drops to the hard candy. Hitting rock bottom, he broke into a bakery for crullers.
3saw the bright light. "There's something you don't see everyday, Jed." "What's that Bill?" "A flaming hairdo" "Oh, I don't know, been to San Fran?" There was a crater a mile wide.
2waved good-bye. That was the last time I saw my dad. He was in an archery hot-air balloon duel with his nemisis Paul Von Hindenburg. I vowed to honor his name.
4her career in kick boxing. "Might want to put a steak on that." I said, offering her a light. She brought a Cuban and started puffing. "Only steak I need is through my Ex's heart."
5I could do to fit in with all the other chain-smoking nilhists. I decided then to be ultra-non-conformist. I wore an orange opera cloak, read the backs of cereal boxes and started