Finished Folds (21—40)
2"Knickie the Nix," was their water sprite mascot. The blue foam rubber costume took a half-hour to put on and smelled of brine and axe body spray. Resigned, Eric put it on.
4roads in this post-apocalyptic world were unpaved and no amount of hip ollies or 360 varial kickflips would save it.
3Wendy, tired of being tied to fast food, changed her name and started a chain of "Artisinal Haute Cuisine Vegan Eateries," called Wendigo's.
7taken aback. Clancy grabbed my wrist, my waist, and my attention. He pulled me on to the dance floor. The band hit a savage beat. My soul was lost to the Tango.
3Listen... Hear how they quack in small groups? Slowly paddling idly by? Wait... Don't stare at them! It's to late! Run! RUUN!!
10I became the person I always dreamed I would be, almost. All the traffic lights were green. I was to work on time. I hadn't punched anyone in the face.
4her funnel cake which laid in the grass by her side. Her dog was also focused on the cake, as well as two squirrels and a migrating goose. She rose up herself. The cake might help.
7So I tossed them in the dryer with a fabric softener sheet, plugged in a few quarters, and twisted the dial to high. In an hour, they had shrunk, but smelled like morning rain.
5The Gods looked down from above. Jove grimaced, Vishnu pondered, Loki smiled, "Pay up guys!"
3"I'm free of the cereal factory!" I said to the mutant elf. "We must rescue Crackle and Pop, if we are to stop this apocolypse!" Strange days indeed, my mama sez.
3their best. All twenty kids ate from the same plate, washing it between servings. They slept in six hour shifts, 5 kids in the full sized bed. Lorna's Aunt kept a spread sheet.
5Maybe it was all the hearts that he drew on the dry erase board of her dorm room or maybe it was the fake Danish acccent he spoke when she was near. Her love for him was different.
2. The people of the world were in a hive mind, all in sync, all subdued... except Marty, who couldn't quite get it right and was playing havoc in his sector. He kept thinking of
7small apartment. My Uncle stood in the doorway. "Be an accountant like everyone else in this family. Don't follow your father's path and become a Matador! (God rest his soul.)"
6. The luminescent number flipped on the digital clock. They glared at each other from across the couch. "Well, another damn Happy New Year, I guess."
5"Surprise!" they yelled as they presented the present. She admired bright green question marks. "Open the box! Open the box" they chanted. It was a new soul to replace her old one.
10Confused, holding a bone saw, he looked down at Vince on the operating table. "Where?" The nurse shook him and pointed, "On the dotted line! Hurry!"
4. "It's been a long time bucko! Youse forgets your pal? Your friend?" The man responded. "TV replaced Vaudville. I had to work." The dummy glared, "Whose talkin?"
1-als! The platoon of buffoons lined up clown shoe to clown shoe. The oak was stoic. Bozo raised the rubber chicken, "Company! Make 'em laugh!" They displayed formation pratfalls
8IT'S ALIVE!! IT'S... no wait, hold on. E-gore? What's our wifi password? Get bent? I'll try that but, oh I get it, haha, really funny. E-gore rules? All one word? Great. Loading...