Finished Folds (81—100)
2Reading Dune in the back a Disel station wagon driving through Kansas on a Summer road trip to visit my Grandmother in Lincoln, Nebraska. I am one with this book.
5Jumping on the bar top in my platform shoes, I realized I was a different person than I thought I was.
5. George Lucus leaned back in his chair. "Just spitballing here, how 'bout Luke is a were-Wookiee? Chewbacca could be his half-brother and he changes when he sees the Death Star."
4It was a simple matter of timing the stop lights. By my standing in the crosswalk a few seconds late, traffic would be backed up for blocks. Hail Hydra!
5In his tell-all book, Keith Richards recounts his hard rocking days with The Rolling Stones. What it didn't account for was his being hired as an asssasin for the CIA.
2a theater near you! In a world were two megalomaniacs battle for world control, see the American public ignore the news and hole up in their nests playing Netflix. Apathy has never
7Next morning, he couldn't move. "Last time I go to bed in full platemail." Making matters worse, his tweed waterbed had sprung a leak. "Milk maids? Lasses? where are you? A little
5ed under my breath, and slammed my jello shot. "Whatz the matter, bra?" I slurred as the gunslinger cocked his six-shotters, (shooters, whatev.)
3understood why people called me "eccentric" behind my back, but it was a compulsion. I had to be obnoxious with every part of body. Take my knees, for instance, they clacked like
4No one will see me in my GREAT BOX DISGUISE! (thought the cat.)
10I know I went to confession just this morning, but a lot can happen in just a few hours. Father, It all started when I met Sister Emma at the bookstore and offered her a Cappuccino
4"This bench is dedicated to Theodore Ipswitch who hated this park and everyone in it."
5. The Boogeyman was getting a crick in his back from hiding in the bushes. Where were those tasty moppets? Probably at home playing Minecraft. No wayward urchins, nothing. (Sigh.)
5. "Unhand me unkind constables. My porkpie hat was made at a Brooklyn boutique haberdashery and my cheroot was imported from Havana. You mar my rep." The last words he spoke.
3I struggled as another goose wandered off the set. How was I going to get the 12 days out before the holiday rush? A knock. "The Leaping Lords are on strike." Just great.
4. "I say Jeeves, you have me disoriented by your instruments of the orient." I quipped spilling my gin and tonic as his nunchuck almost dislodged my nose. "Wooster, I must protest,
7" By mid-afternoon, I'm like "What's up with Rock-em-Sock-em Robots? Is Blue or Red better? Is there even a choice? AND WHAT ABOUT TAXES?"
4Why, yes. I will. I get all my political viewpoints and philosophy from an FS fold. I also read tweets and bumper stickers because any more words, and my brain hurts.
2cats. Why can't they just move through the outside door? Didn't you want to go out? What do they WANT?
4The legendary biking bread monger sang her shanty. "Me crumpets are freshest or so I been told. So give me the eye an' I'll throw you a roll!" The siren song drew him away from his