Finished Folds (121—140)
8this whole evolution big bang thing was a load of crap. The Squawkopteryx eggs were looking a bit funny, not in a "funny haha" kind of way, but in a "wtf is this?!" type of way.
4The trip to the puppy mill would be worth it. That was the easiest place I thought I could get some puppies cheap, and then pick up some Amish pies or something. This hushpuppy rec
4Betty decided to make the best of this crappy vacation. First, they had to visit the Hustler store, I mean, you saw the Larry Flint movie...then they tried to find Charlie Manson's
2When I decided to gorge myself. See, it was a rainy day, then the sun came out, there was a rainbow, I was bored, you can imagine the rest. Turns out rainbows taste like unicorn
2Muhahahha! DrAngryPants decided that he needed some calm in his life b4 the evil plotting could happen, he would try his hand at open mic night. He won this guitar @Bunbury fest &
5k down that lost Amazon package he ordered for her. Xerenya was always talking about those eye-brighteners from Japan. This package could save the relationship! Squawkers found the
4shimmied around, just so his testies would be all shiny in the moonlight. The jersey leotard must have gotten caught while he was skipping around in the garden, bc next thing he
4Wow. I hate it when FS website changes on you w/o warning. Deep down, I know people like my folds, but I need the satisfaction of seeing it, right there. I'm needy. I dont like cha
5put together all the pieces. There was some glitter & that kangaroo costume, but everything was fuzzy. Next time I need to take the blue pill, bc the red one is a real bitch. Ouch.
6All this time I thought the song was "Cheesesticks" not "G6", w/this new found enlightenment, I started 2 rethink other things 2. Parachute pants R still cool, right? Skinny ties
3Thank god for ChefBoyRDee, she thought to herself. Armed with a spork, some twine, 2 cans of SPAM & her Prada purse, Pearl was adrift on the life boat. The sea became rough &
4I knew the "hey, lets put ketchup all over the place so it looks like blood" prank was working, that is until Pamela fell to the ground. Crap, another one? I called 911, and the
3ed. Putin was confused, and didnt want to be the gimp anymore, the ball gag kind of hurt and the choking didnt help the situation either. The Prof wanted Putin more than ever and
4It couldnt have been that I stopped brushing my teeth at age 14, since watching that fluoride documentary, right? My teeth arent that bad, I mean, the mossy stuff feels kind of
2or at least someone who liked cats. I tried finding the dating site that would totally get me, you know? So I found "" huh, sounds like me! That is until I click
4"Creeper! Creeper! Squawk! Squawkers want a cracker!" the parrot was out of control w/anger, I was petrified that they would wake up, and I would be caught redhanded w/the remote.
5them like Mikey ate those pop rocks and chugged a Coke & died. Wait, he's not dead? No f'n way, that's an urban legend? Huh...So, the Biebs and Jonas brothers R hiding out in some
0They must have been eating the leftover pizza crusts. Damn cardinals, they were making a mess of the popemobile, and it smelled horrible. I had 2 get 2 the carwash ASAP, I also
5So, I couldnt decide if it was really profitable to smuggle bear paws. Sadly, my partner in crime thought I said bear claws, & it was over from there. 15K of sugary goodness had 2
6with Chris Hanson, or was it John Matarese? Damnit, no, Hanson does the show about perverts & Matarese is the "Dont Waste your $" guy on channel 9. Anywhoo, I'm naked in a hotel w/