Finished Folds (141—160)
5seemed so cleaner now, and no hairballs in my throat! Being dead was kinda cool, I could see people, but they cant see me. Whoa! That gives me an idea, I always wanted to
7newest ad campaign might be working! The "Ich bin ein Berliner" was flying off the shelves! The Baker Manfried could hardly keep them in the shop. Who doesnt love a good jelly donu
5"TURN DOWN THAT BLASTED MUSIC!!!" Cranky old Mrs. Magillicutty screamed out of her kitchen window. Squawkers heard stories about this oldcoot, so he loaded up his boombox & headed
5bc even if she were performing at the SuperBowl Halftime show, how would she even know. I would have said "She always wanted to see her name in lights" but well, it's Helen Keller.
3This was not going to look good to the temp agency. I decided not to tell them. I grabbed a Swiffer &some PineSol 2started to clean up the remains of Boss#3, luckily Boss#2 
5it turned out it wasnt his friends at all, it was a group of girlscouts selling really ugly wrapping paper. Gary knew if the girlscouts told people he was wearing chick's undies,
4on the top of her perfect little nose. "So, I was thinking you & I could go clubbing sometime" as soon as the words left my mouth, I knew that was a f'ed up thing to say. No!Not
12marry it, u love it so much. I didn't think you would actually marry a box of PB Crunch. The wedding invite was pretty though, it listed all of the vitamins & nutritional values.
6thump down the stairs. Then Norbert Drove home, doused everything in the house, torched it. Parked across the street laughing watching it burn, all Halloween orange & chimney red.
3but for you, I'll make an exception. Rum &Cokes turned into Jager Bombs, and 5 hours later Henry Castle Jr and Sgt Haymon were giggling like schoolgirls. When the lights came on,
2while sauntering over to the FlatScreen TV. Squawkers felt torn, he LOVED watching StreetShark cartoons, but knew deep down this Xerenya situation would end messy. Whattodo? Sweat
3in pain bc Mercedez accidentally stepped on her foot, while he was trying to be all suave w/the sock removal. Apparently's Mercedez weightloss plan isnt working, bc he ended up bre
2lots and lots of Hershey's syrup" Damnit, this isnt working, Cesar whined. I'm plugging my movie, 3 new dog training manuals, a new line of Tshirts, a cookbook AND Hersheys syrup?
3"Yeah, I tapped that" I mumbled, when the gramma of the groom wondered what I said. "I TAPPED that, BOTH of them." I was sick of this wedding. I was with both of them 3 days ago,
3McMuffin in one of those McDonalds commercials. Platty was pretty nonchalant back in the day, no one ever asked if he was a beaver or a duck. He just went on his way quietly, until
3the exploitation of polar bears. I didn't see what the big deal, its not like they were making gap clothes in a sweat shop, they were just having a taco eating competition. I love
7Yep, Gramps also told us that he invented post-it-notes, &has the KFC secret recipe sewn in2 his mink coated magic top hat. Crazyold man. But I wanted to get the real FS History.
6the phone number must have been disconnected. Damnit, we needed a famous Simmons for the JetSki Commercial. The ad execs were not amused. Finally someone shouted Russell Simmons!
6I watched as my hero, Richard Simmons went shooshing away, the salty ocean water glistening in his puffy afro. Pretty soon his striped short-shorts were just a memory, but I'm
0mole rats that started to practice their flash mob. Poor Mr. Snake, because he has no arms or legs or rhythm he looked pathetic trying to keep up with the naked mole rats. Wow,